Running Sheet Bently
Thin, Asian. He is almost 7' tall. At first he seems almost delicate. But looking closer his muscles look thigh. He is quiet. His clothes look highly and expertly sewn and embroidered. On his waist is a workbelt filled with brushes and rulers and many artists tools. While there are many specialized tools, he does seem to have a handle and a small scramasax. He has 5 different books hanging from the belt well strapped in place.
- Calligraphy
- Fashion Design
- Music and Dance
- Air Hierarchy
- Council of Cleanliness
Total:269 = 61 Stats +145 Powers+33 Skills+ Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) +9 Shadows+9 Stuff +15 Storage
Life Path{405}
- 25 pips: Air, Change, Hue, Sound
- 90 pips: Spasa of Cleanliness, Air, Color, Change, Paper, Illusion, Song, motion.
- 110 pips: Avasa of Cleanliness, Air, Change, Blending, Paper, Color, Health, Music, Shifter, Life.
- 180 pips: Masoja of Cleanliness, Air, Change, Shifter, Knowledge, Rust, Paper, Music, Dance.
Aspires to Masoja of Life, Vision, Wisher
Statistics {61}
- Psyche: 32
- Strength: 2
- Endurance: 21
- Warfare: Chaos -10
- Stone of Strength.
When Activated
- Psyche: 32
- Strength: 62
- Endurance: 92
- Warfare: Chaos
Powers {145}
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 5
- 25 Woven Logrus
- (35) Shape Change
- 30 Advanced Sorcery
- 20 Conjuration
- 40 Trump Artist
- 10 Low Order Magics
Skills {33}
- 3 Music Performance-Song
- 3 Stringed Instrument
- 3 fashion Design-Sewing
- 3 Wind Instruments
- Flutes
- 3 Dance
- 2 Woodwork
- String Instruments
- Wind Instruments
- 2 Card Magic and Slight of Hand
- Gambler
- 2 Sexual Prowess
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 1 Pottery and Clay work
- 1 Horsemanship
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
Items {20}
Stylish Artisan's Tool Belt
A stylich belt for carrying art tools he does not want packed.
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 1 movement
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Tongues
- 4 Extraordinary Psychic sensitivity
- 4/5 Psyche Barrier
- 4 Seek in Shadow
- 1 Mold Shadow Stuff
- 4/10 Regeneration
- 4 Limited Shape Shift
- 4 Rack and use Spells
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- Willingly Bound Avasa of Knowladge specializing in Calligraphy
Stone of Strength=
- Stone of Strength
Shadows{9}- Yarawwy
- 3 Good Stuff
"His name is Bently. He is a charmer and a flirt and eventually someone will kick his ass. He has a reputation as...a. bottom. But i will take it personally if he is harmed too much. I really wish i hadnt hooked up with him but he is a character. He cooks, paints, and is a vinter,at Masoja level and is exploring creating new races. He is a Sommelier who has served the table of wishers, life and death masoja, and your friend Nur al din. He is my friend. Others should know that. Sorry for bringing him here."