Hexen Ward: Chargen
Prime Traits
Building your character starts with selecting their Prime Traits. One die from each prime trait should be included every dice pool.
Distinctions are your first Prime Trait and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of who they are as a whole. Distinctions determine whether a particular facet of a character helps or hinders them in accomplishing a chosen action. Include one (1) Distinction die with every roll
Each character is ranked in three (3) Distinctions:
Streetwise Distinction 
- What is your reputation on the streets of London? When folk look at you, what do they see? What does the random passerby expect from you? This distinction might point to criminal pursuits or affiliation with a practical trade.
Hexen Distinction 
- What is your reputation among your peers? Among the younglings who count on the knowledge you can impart for their very survival? This distinction might foreshadow your preferred area of magical focus.
Fae Distinction 
- What is your reputation among the Fae? How do they know you? This distinction might be a nom de guerre or title by which the Fae know you and indicate the reason they consider you a threat.

Attributes are your second Prime Trait. They define your character's innate potential. One (1) Attribute die is added to every roll
Each character is ranked in four (4) Attributes.
- Guile: Guile rates a character's innate facility with charm, persuasion, and trickery.
- Nerve: Sometimes you just gotta white-knuckle your way through. Nerve defines how adroit the character is at holding their grit in tense and stressful situations.
- Reflexes: How quick are you? How accurate? Reflexes are all about agility, dexterity, balance, and aim.
- Savvy: Savvy is a solid measure of a character's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, including people, places, laws, customs, and etiquette.
Rank one (1) Attribute at one (1) at
and two (2) at

Maneuvers are your third Prime Trait. They define the underlying purpose for a given action. One (1) Maneuver die is added to every roll
Each character is ranked in five (5) Maneuvers.
- Attack: This might include physically attacking someone, pressing someone in a social situation, or casting a spell at another.
- Counter: This might be physically defending against an attack, countering a social argument, or deflecting a magical attack or undoing another's magic.
- Influence: Influencing the physical world might mean fixing a broken chair or cooking dinner, while social applications might include doing someone a favor to get in their good graces or intimidating them to avoid a fight or force a concession. Magically, Influence is primarily used in enchantments.
- Know: Divination magic is fueled by the need to know, even as social maneuvering requires knowledge, and a craftsman must know their craft to excell in it and teach others.
- Trick: This maneuver might show itself physically via sneaking around or sleight of hand. Social deception depends on it, and it is the bedrock of glamour (illusion).
Rank one (1) Maneuver one (1)
two (2)
and one (1)
Secondary Traits
Building your character continues with selecting Secondary Traits. Secondary traits represent character abilities or assets that may or may not apply to an action.
Dice from these sets can be added to the dice pool only when they specifically apply to the action at hand.

Forms describe how a character shapes magical energies. Add one (1) Form die to every roll involving magic.
Each character is ranked in Free Forms and Stress Forms:
Free Forms
Free forms have no additional cost beyond a successful action roll.
Knacks: Knacks are the first magics an arcanist learns. Knacks call forth a brief surge of magical energy and causes it to interact with the physical world. Knacks might be used to trip someone, or disarm them, or jimmy a lock, or open a door, or cause an object to levitate. As a general rule, if one can physically manipulate a thing, a knack can be made to create a similar effect. It is harder to affect living beings than non-living matter.
Conjuration: Conjuration causes a mundane object to appear in the arcanist's grasp.
- Conjured objects last for the scene and are limited to things the character could lift and carry. Conjuring swipes real things from the real world. It does not create them from whole cloth.
Lesser Divination: Lesser Divinations allow the arcanist to read bones or tea leaves or other mediums to gain insights into the near future.
- Lesser divinations are not cast quickly and require the observance of the appropriate ritual actions.
Stress Forms
In addition to a successful action roll, stress forms require the character to step up one stress track (player's choice).