Are We The Baddies: House of Flesh
House of Flesh
Broodmother Netheria
Concubine of the Dark Empress
Matriarch of the Obsidian Dragonflight
An enormous woman with an equally large personality, and a bottomless appetite for wine and intoxicants. Has numerous children, all of whom she lovingly but absently dotes on.
Lillian Winterchilde
A vampiress and stone cold fox who flirts relentlessly with almost everyone. Always wears the latest fashions from Attire Nonpareil
First Years
Callim Ryx
The self-proclaimed goblin Queen of Alchemy, and also Capitalism, and also Friendship. BFFs with Sssesssily Tikesk.
Ernst Neverdie
A cheerfully nihilist ghoul who can't be hurt by most weapons.