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Members of Pacifica mainly joined together after the fall of the USA & Canadians Federal governments

  • California
  • Oregon
  • Washington
  • Arizona
  • Nevada
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Baja California-Baja is being contested by Azatlan
  • Alaska-Politically close to Pacifica

Allied Regions

Each allied region has its own issues & arrangements with Pacifica

  • Yukon-Politicaly connected to Northwest Territory, Manitoba, & Saskatchewan as the Northern Countries
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba

National Leadership



The Change and Pacifica

The Change hit the whole world and of course some regions did better then others. The western states included some very dynamic areas that did not represent the usual distribution of changed races. Rather then the normal percentages there occured large groupings of races.

The standard distribution, as observed after a time was as follows. Half missing. of the remaining half, half remained human. the other half, roughly a quarter of the populations was split evenly between,human, elven, dwarven, orcind, and diverse magical creatures.

So regionally, a population of 1,000,000. 500,000 would be missing. 250,000 remained human and another 50,000 in the Change. The Change would create 50,000 Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and magical creatures..

In Pacifica certain areas did not maintain these numbers. Other areas around world had similar numerical irregularities occurred but in Pacifica was the most noticeable. To these ends several groups developed that had separate arrangements with the growing nation of Pacifica. These groups include many large and small


  • The White Hand: Orcs, humans, with a violent military dispensation.
  • The Featherheads:Native Americans
  • The Green Machine: An obsessive group with approximately a million members that work toward food self sufficiency in every home. This group speaks out against homes with lawns and unused space in a world where starvation is common.
  • Cripps National: A organization of gangs predating the Change. After the Change the Crips mostly became Orcs and Dwarves. As the group unified it made arrangements with the Pacifica to serve in the military instead of being involved in criminal activities. Their families were protected and the Cripps Were organized into 100s of small Unified military groups under the Pacifica banner but often exceeding orders. Known to be unnecessarily brutal.

Regional Outbursts

White Hand

  • Montana 1.1 mil: 550,000 missing. 316,000 human. 150,000 Orkind, 50,000 magical creatures, 16,000 each of Elf and dwarf roughly. This disproportionate number of Orcs would be represented in the other states of
  • Idaho 1.9 mil: 950,000 missing. 537,000 human, 237,500 Orkind. 60,000 each of Elf , Dwarf, and Magical creature.
  • Washington 7.7 million. 3,850,000 missing. 1,925,000 Human, 770,000 orc, 192,000 each of Elf , Dwarf, and Magical creatures.

This created a disproportional number of 1,157,000 Orks which created the White Hand Tribes. Add to this number approximately 1,000,000 humans and 100,000 dwarves that sympathized with various White Hand factions lead to violent outburst.

These three regions alone created 1,975,000 orcs. White Hand Legion gained about 3/4 of the orks at around 1,500,000 orks plus 1,000,000 Human, dwarf, and magical creature sympathizers.

The White Hand dived into roughly four divergent philosophies besides sharing bases principles. These were Farmers, Outlaw, Military, and Police Forces. 625,000 in each group. The White Hands usually avioded fighting each others.

These number represent 3 former states. The numbers of the White hand throughout Pacifica were more complicated. Despite their lower contributing numbers, Idaho became the center of the White Hand. Idaho is where other White Hands migrated to over time.

West Coastees

The Pacific states had a similar mismatch of Changed races. The pacific states had humans, Orcs, and magical creatures.

  • Washington.2,309,000 West Coast humans Elfs, and magical creatures. Washington has a West vs East split of populations at the Change. West fitting well in the group called West Coastees
  • Oregon. 4,246,000
  • California. 39,240,000
  • British Columbia 5,000,000
  • Alaska.732, 000

The pacific states had around 52,000,000 on the morning of the Change. 26,000,000 disappeared. 26,000,000 were divided into a group of 13,000,000 were human. The remaining 13,000,000 should have split evenly between human, elves, dwarves, orcs, and magical creatures at 2,600,000 each.

But the actual distribution of the remaining 13,000,000 split in about 300,000 for elves and humans and Dwarves. 900,000 for Orcs, elves and dwarves. Humans got the amazing benefits of 7,000,000, orcs got 3,000,000 and 2,100,000 magical creatures. This distribution led to enclaves of elven peoples and dwarves feeling the sting of the politics of the Western states. Hidden communes of both group grew up throughout Pacifica.

The numbers can get confusing but the end result was that the western states were dominated by humans and were overwhelmingly supported by the orcs who made up a large part of the special forces of the Pacifica military. The White Hand despised the orcs every where else.

The West Coastees control national politics and policies.

The Featherheads

The term "Featherheads had been a derogatory term for many years but the change made that change too. The North American continent had been covered with tribes of people with histories going back thousands of years. Many had warring histories with each other and as westerners crossed the waters of the Atlantic these groups did little to help each other.

Even in to the twenty-first century little community existed between them except on legal levels involving legalized gambling.

The shock of the change shifted their thinking. They had a mystical background but during the change their peoples did not has a disproportionate number of elves or magical creatures. But portions of thier people did become elves, dwarves, orcs and magical creatures.

The diverse tribes unified in to the People or the Featherheads. Elven, Dwarven, orcish, and magical creatures that were once human did not seek out their new peoples but remained loyal members of the Featherheads. These new race Featherheads contributed greatly to the power of the Featherheads. Pacifica had as many as 4,000,000 Featherheads, when counting elven, dwarven, orcish and magical creatures. Unlike other groups throughout Pacifica, and in fact the rest of hte continent, they became extremely politically active.

The White Hand Legion

Warrior Bands outside the Law

Police Bands

Militay Bands

Military of Pacifica

Druid Council of Pacifica

A small and secretive group of Druids involved in the leadership of Pacifica.

Druids and Fairies

Many of the western states of the United States had people who considered themselves wizards. This may sound funny but the numbers bear them out. The Ancient Order of Druids of California, of Oregon, of Washington, etc. Ritual groups, fraternal order of Sorcerers and many others with delusions.

Suddenly Magic was actually avaliable.

Production of Goods

They created magically a great deal of military equipment