Running Sheet Hirem
Hiren Red Hand
Father: Jaques
Mother: Hannah Simpson Grant
- Graduate:
- Past Grand Master-served as Dean of Garsarat
- Graduated Admire Knight Instructor
- Graduate of Bandtar, Tylece
Total:363?= 99 Stats+ { 89(85)} Powers+ 40 Skills+ {94(23)}Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) +16 Shadows -1 Stuff +15 Storage W
Statistics {99}
- Psyche: Amber
- Strength: 28
- Endurance:49
- Warfare:23
Powers { 89(85)}
- (50) Pattern of Amber- Carardala
- 40 Trump Artist
- 20 Power Words: 20 Words
- (25) Woven Logrus
- 25(10) Shapechange
- 4 Thievish Skills
Skills {40}
- 3 Camping
- 2 Woodsmanship
- 2 Camp Cooking
- 1 Wood crafts
- 2 Cooking
- 1 Animal Butchering
- 3 Military Command
- 2 Leatherwork-Horse gear
- 1 Armor leather craft
- 1 Fabric Arts
- 1 Metal
- 1 Alcohol appreciation
- 1 Swimming
- 2 Art-Painting Pencil
- 1 Art-Portrait
- 1 Art-Landscape
- 3 Horsemanship: Flowing Hoard, Afkir, Garsarat Dean
- 3 Mounted War Lance-Red -Garsarat
- 1 Mounted Archer-Pale Blue- Garsarat
- 3 Trick Riding-Gold- Garsarat
- 2 Horse Care-Olive- Garsarat
- 3 Horse Breeding histories. -Green -Garsarat
- 3 Mounted swordsman -purple- Garsarat
- 1 Mounted Tournament Joust-Gray- Garsarat
- 2-Aqua: Instructor. Requires 12 pips and an offer of a post- Garsarat
- 2 Violet: Dean of Garsarat
Curriculum of Afkir
A military academy offering Basic Training, Advanced Training, Masterly Training.
Basic Training
Skills Gained
- 1 Horsemanship-Riding, Care
- 1 Tactics
- 1 Logistics
- 1 Horse Archery
- 1 Horse Weapon Combat
- 2 Craftsmanship-Leather
- 2 Craftsmanship-woodwork Furniture
Advanced Training
Skills Gained
- 1 Strategy
- 1 Advanced Riding-Common Trick Riding
- 2 Advanced Logistics
- 2 Horse Archery
- 2 Horse Weapon Combat
- 1 Horse Bloodlines
- 2 Horsemanship-Riding, Care
- 2 Academics - History
- 1 Academics - History of
- 1 Academics
- 1 Academics
- 1 Craftsmanship-Leather-Armor
- 1 Craftsmanship-Woodwork-Buildings-Art Carving.
Masterly Training
Skills Gained
- 1 Masterly Riding-Advanced Trick Riding
- 3 Academics -History
- 3 Horse Archery
- 3 Horse Weapon Combat
- c
- c
The Garsarat Horse
Each Style training requires 12 weeks. They may be given individually or taken entirely. A cord is awarded for accomplishments of each sytle.
- Mounted War Lance-Red
- Mounted Archer-Pale Blue
- Trick Riding-Gold
- Horse Care-Olive
- Horse Breeding histories. -Green
- Mounted swordsman -purple
- Mounted Tournament Joust-Gray
- -Aqua-Instructor
- -Violet- Dean
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
- 9
- 8
- 1 Hamilton
Items {94(23)}
Sword of the Warrior(23)
- 2 Double Vitality
- 4 Engine Speed Mobility
- 2 Amber stamina
- 2 Combat Reflexs
- 4 invulnerable
- 2 double damages
- 1 speak
- 2 Rapid Heal
- 2 N/N:
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand
- 1 Ability: Sear off the hand of anyone attempting to wield it
An emperor's gift on an adventuring world
steel pauldrens over Gadiatorial Pauldrens 10
- 4 Invulnerable. 5 transfer
- 1 Ability: arm/disarm
Found on an adventuring world
Dagger 10
- 4 deadly damage.
- 2 vs guns
- 2 Rapid Heal
- 2 N/ N: Dagger, eating knife. Whittling knife. Boning knife, cooking knife, fishing knife, poinard
Found on an adventuring world
Chain mail coat 7
- 4 invulnerable
- 1 Alt form: chain mail coat/chain mail belt
- 1 Ability: don/disarm
- 1 Ability: Clean on demand
Found on an adventuring world
Boots 7
- 4 invulnerable
- 1 Alt form: Adventuring boot/House shoe
- 1 Ability: don/disarm
- 1 Ability: Clean on demand
Found on an adventuring world
Gauntlet. 7
- 4 invulnerable
- 1 Alt form: medium leather glove with plates /fine horse gloves
- 1 Ability: don/disarm
- 1 Ability: Clean on demand
Vambrace-Wrist 7
- 2 Vs Gun. 5 Transfer
Found on an adventuring world
Greaves-legs 9
- 2 Double Damage - For knee kicks to the groin
- 4 invulnerable
- 1 Alt form: plate & knee cobs/under pants,padded knees
- 1 Ability: don/disarm
- 1 Ability: Clean on demand
Vorpal Collar and hood. 6
- 4 Invulnerable to neck injuries
- 1 Ability: don/disarm
- 1 Ability: Clean on demand
Saddle & Horse Armor. 11
- 4 invulnerable
- 2 rapid cheap
- 2 N/N: War coat, adventuring riding, fine attire A,fine attire B,fine attire c,fine attire d,fine attire E,Stealth attire,
- 1 Ability: Don/Disarm.
- 2 Ability: Clean and clean mount
Camp set. 26
- 4 Camp tent and fly
- 4 Cook Setup
- 8 Camp furniture: Bed, big trunk, medium tunk. Large Shelf unit,several camp benches, several camp chairs, 2 camp tables.
- 4 drink camp supplies, store in 3 boxes.
- 2Camp Cold Chest:
- 2 Ability: Setup from being packed/Pack for transport
- 1 Ability: Clean and dry on call.
- 1 Ability: Clean people under fly or in tent on demand
- 3
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- -1 Bad Stuff
Hirem Simpson Grant-called Sam
Hirem was born on an earth world while his father took a break from his life with the Flowing Hoard.It was his fathers habit every do often.
As his son was born he beat it into him that he could not out shine the other kids. His Amberite inheritance of strength,endurance, and intelligence could easily have done so. So he grew up acting slow. Except with horses. He grew up in his father's leather trade dealing with cattle. Butchering them, tanning hide, working leather.
He had bitter arguments with his father and came to hate him.
At 14 he was taken to the flowing hoard and taught horseman ship and fighting from horse. He fought in some battles and learned to kill. He learns life among the hoard. But his hatred of his father. High father was told," Take the boy and kill him. Or take the boy banished from,there hoard". They return to Illinois. His son took few tokens. His sleeping leather. A saddle. A statue of a horse made by Borlak,and given him. Stolen from a girl who reflow feed him.
(Hirem differs from a similar famous shadow of himself. The shadow disliked his family business while Hirem loved it. They both loved horse and got in trouble by interfering with people abusing them)
In time he attended the national Military Academy. And his proceeded as his famous shadow did .
A spell cast on him by Sorcerers of the Flowing Hoard made him,appear to age. He did till almost death. Nearing death his father came. He placed a simulacrum of Hirem in his head that made it appear he was dead. And it did.
Jacques brought him to Amber. There he grew younger. He was sent to Thelusia were he attended the School of Royal,Rights as well,as other classes.
He grew younger but disliked Amber. When classes ended he was allowed to walk the Pattern in the Hall of Treasures. From there he traveled shadow alone for many years as an adventurer.
Years at Garsarat Horse
In time he fell in with adventurers who had gone to The Garsarat Horse Academy. He went and joined it where accepted at everything.
In time he became an instructor. He served as an instructor for 61 years. Due to his long life he was one day created Dean. He served as Dean for 45 years. His long life caused him to reveal his Amber bloodline connection to Jacques and the Golden Hoard. The kingdom of Garsarat celebrated him but also quietly retired him to lovely seaside horse ranch. Amber was not well thought of.
Holding no grudge he set out adventuring again.