Amber Standard Kit

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Basic Soldiers Kit for General Duty

Guardsmen Kits for Services

Guardsman in the Field

  • Chainmail Haubrak, Chainmail Leg Armor. Helm
  • Broadsword, Side Blade, Bowie knife.
  • Eating Set.
  • Shield.
  • Spear, 9'. Pike Units have pikes up to 18'
  • Bedroll.

Camp Equipment

Tents and Seats

Each company consists of 10 soldiers & 2 Servants.

Image does not include some items. The image is the required lodatio for particular items. Tabbles, water barrels, and other things have no permanent location.

  • Standard wall tent. 26'x16'x9'
  • Camp Fly. 16'x20'
  • 10 cots and bedding
  • 10 chairs
  • 1 Table
  • 1 Brazier
  • 4 storage benches 18"x18"x4'. Benches use toggle handles on the side.
  • 10 small Storage Benches for personal use. 18"x18"x2'. Benches use toggle handles on the side. A 17"x8"x8' box attached to the left interior top is used for small unit equipment
  • Servant's Wedge tent 8'x5'x9'
  • Servants Fly. 9'x9'
  • 2 cots
  • 1 Brazier
  • 2 storage benches 18"x18"x4'. Benches use toggle handles on the side.
  • 2 small Storage Benches for personal use. 18"x18"x2'. Benches use toggle handles on the side. A 17"x8"x8' box attached to the left interior top is used for stacks, utensils, hammers, mallets.

Benches: A company has 6 long benches and 12 small benches. The long benches each have a small interior bos for small items likely to get lost. braziers. a company has two braziers. While small they produce a great deal of heat. They can be cooked on but are not usually part of the cook set up.


  • Rectangular Grill and Griddle. A box is under the whole grill & Griddle that hold the fire. 2'x6'1'. Stand keeps it 2' off the ground. The upper crossbar is at 7'. Things can be hung from the cross bar.
  • 2) Tripod Hanging cast Iron Pot. Three tripod rods each. Hangs any pot but usually long term, slow cooking, big pots. Soups.
  • 6 Cast iron dutch ovens. 2 gallon size. Usually only 3 cook at a time.
  • They have a device for easily splitting logs the cooking wood.(Seen the infomercial)
  • One of the benches is full of cooking stuff like ladles and spoons and spatulas, and hooks and chains and anything thy might need. Differs from group to group
  • 6 cast iron cooking pots, 6 skillets
  • Each Servant has a set of personal cooking tools-Knife set. All the soldiers know it is not allowed to touch them.
  • 5 )10 gallon water drums & 5)5 gallon water drums. Siphon.
  • 5 2'x2'x"2 Plastic containers for food. Magical-Actually 8'x8'x8'. Can enter and exit, food storage.
  • Soldier know that if the servants ask for help to give it.

Guardsman on Duty

The guardsman on duty is the most common view most people see.

Operational training

Naval Basic training