House Charenton

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Duchess Solange Charenton

-Head of House Charenton. Kingdom Historian

Head of House Duchess Solange Charenton.

  • Quite an old house, which is linked by marriage to the royal families of a number of important Golden Circle shadows. For this reason they tend to be prominent in trade with those shadows. They have also developed a reputation as diplomats; several of Amber's ambassadors to the Golden Circle are members of House Charenton. In particular Lady Solange's daughters Ellen and Sylvia are married to the Kings in particularly important Golden Circle shadows; Ellen is Queen of Lyan Diaga, Sylvia is Queen of Nan

Lady Solange is a force to be reckoned with. Dumpy, weak, fat, and badly aging woman, she has a keen wit, sharp tongue, an elephantine memory, and a fine sense of fashions she probably shouldn't be wearing. She is Amber's Kingdom Historian and knows more about ancient history than most. At well over 2000 years even her daughters are ancient. A large household, they are nearly out of blood heirs. If Solange dies she may leave the house to one of her two daughters, probably Ellen, neither of who wants it. Lady Solange frequently gains male admirers who enjoy her wit and her sense of style as much as they admire the possibility of inheriting a Ducal House. She toys with them and casts them aside roughly, ruining their careers. In her youth she was a great beauty. It is rumored in dark corners of Amber City that she even bore Oberon a son, but this is unconfirmed.