The Protectorate of Adasona
The Protectorate of Adasona is a steppes region of shadow near Amber and accessible to through a treacherous path through the Ice Wastes. Mostly cool the unending shadow has a series of low mountain ridges inter-spaced by rocky grasslands ad cold fresh water lakes and rivers.
The people of Adasona are nomadic with only a few permanent cities known, the largest and most well known be Khyruras', which sits on the path through shadow. The path is dry and difficult to traverse.
The average Adasonan is born Chaos ranked in all four stats and has 1 pip of good stuff. At puberty they gain 30 pips to spend on stats, powers, skills, & Stuff. Teen years are troublesome and they often gain bad stuff of a few pips.
Around 18,19 or 20 most cool out unless they have done something terrible. They gain 40 pips to spend on stats, powers, skills, & Stuff.
The was a personal shadow of a player in the First Arc. I liked the idea he had for the realm so here it is.