Cthulhu Eternal Victorian Age Emilie Garilound

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Character Name: Emilie Garilound
Player Name: Regular Guy
Profession: Consulting Detective Nationality: French
Sex (Age): Male, (49)
Education: University of Rennes, Law


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 10 50 Average
Constitution 14 70 Perfect Health
Dexterity 10 50 Average
Intelligence 15 75 Perceptive
Power 11 55 Average
Charisma 12 60 Charming

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 12 11
Willpower (WP) 11 11
Sanity (SAN) 56 64
Breaking Point (BP) 44 44
Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage
Resources 9 6 / 3 / 0

Resource Check Boxes

Resources O O O

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


William Smythe (Partner) 12
Maggie Mar (Stray) 12
British Scientific Association 5
British Anatomical Society 5

Motivations and Mental Disorders


Total Total Total
Administration (10%) 12 Foreign Language (French) (0%) 40 Research (10%) 62
Alertness (20%) 47 Harangue (10%) 11 Ride (10%)
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Science: (Chemistry) (40%) (Forensics) (61%) 40%/ 61%
Appraise (10%) History (10%) Search (20%) 73
Archaeology (0%) Insight (10%)* 51 Social Etiquette (10%) 60
Art (0%) Law (British Criminal) (0%) 51 Stealth (10%)
Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Streetwise (Type) (0%)
Charm (20%) Melee Weapons (30%) Surgery (0%)
Craft (0%) ' Military Training (Type) (0%) Survival (10%)
Craft (Type) (0%) Swim (20%)
Disguise (10%) 30 Natural World (10%) Track (10%)
Dodge (30%) Navigate (10%) Unarmed Combat (20%)
Drive (20%) Occult (10%) Unnatural (0%)
Firearms (20%) Persuade (20%) Use Gadgets (0%)
First Aid (10%) Pilot (Type) (0%)
Foreign Language (Type) (0%) Psychoanalyze (10%)
Foreign Language (Type) (0%) Regional Lore (Type) (0%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Flask, Bottle of Johnnie Walker, Bottle of Aspirin, Cigarettes
Fountain Pen, Journal
Pen knife, bottle of Tanqueray gin
Suit jacket, button down shirts (2x), slacks (2x), wool tie, Bowler Cap
Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots
* * *

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

|Born in Paris to a lawyer and a seamstress, Emilie found both subjects fascinating. Watching his mother, he found the connection of several different shapes and sizes of fabric properly stitched together to create a single beautiful object pure craftsmanship. At the same time he could see his father put together several disparate pieces of evidence to create an expert case and prove through a court of law the seemingly impossible. Both the tangible and intangible: Garilound wanted both of these experiences to be his.

As a young man, Emilie moved four hours east of Paris to further his studies at the Law school within the University of Rennes. Spending the majority of his studies in Law, he also took great interest in the Sciences, particularly Chemistry. Attending several lectures by the famous Edmund Locard and Alphonse Bertillon, Garilound become obsessed with combining both of his passions into this fledging field of what was being called Forensics.

Graduating and seeking further education in the field, he travelled to London to join the Metropolitan Police Service where he worked under the tutelage of the Police surgeon Thomas Bond. Garilound honed his crafted and even became apprenticed to Doctor Bond where they both worked on the Whitehall Mystery, Battersea Mystery, and on the Murders in St. John's Wood. Emilie was thrust into the headlines working alongside some of the greats learning that the greatest monsters are found among man himself.