Badlands Chargen

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You're a Duster, at home in the badlands. You look human, but you're really not. Life in the wilds has changed you on a fundamental level, and you and your crew and your airship are the lynchpins that holds society together.

Source Material

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We will be using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - SWADE - for this game.

Setting Rules

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Heroes Never Die: As implied, things that should kill you somehow don't. Wild Card NPCs get similar benefit.

More Skill Points: PCs begin with 15 skill points instead of 12.

Additionally, Piloting/Boating will be treated as a single skill and is considered a Core Skill in this campaign, starting at instead of untrained.

Languages: Everyone in the civilized setting speaks Trade Tongue. Dustlings, small humanoid creatures native to the badlands, have their own language, which can be spoken and understood by the Dusters who share the badlands with them.

Finally,Dusters have developed their own secret language that is a pidgin of the Trade and Dustling tongues.

Duster Template

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Outsider - Dusters appear human on the surface - mostly - but civilized folk can sense something is off with them. Persuasion rolls are made at -2 vs non-Dusters.

Environmental Resistance (Dust) - Dusters get +4 to resist the negative effects of Dust that plagues the badlands.

Attribute Increase (Player's Choice) - One attribute (Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, or Vigor) starts at That attribute die's maximum is +1.

Adaptable - Gain one free Novice edge that you meet the requirements for.


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The skills Driving, Electronics, Hacking, and Language won't see use in this game.

Similarly, the Power skills Faith, Psionics, Spellcasting and Weird Science are unavailable.

Focus is available, but will only be useful to those who take the edge, Arcane Background (Gifted).

Piloting/Boating will be treated as a single skill and is considered a Core Skill in this campaign, starting at instead of untrained.


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Because we will be posting as-available in action scenes, the Hesitant hindrance is unavailable to take.

Young is also off the table, because I'm not willing to run kids as PCs in this game.


Tech level is mostly wild west-ish, if the wild west had airships. Make your choices for personal gear accordingly. We will be using the Wealth stat instead of x-monies-per-character.

We won't roll for starting gear, but your starting gear is subject to GM approval. (If it seems reasonable, it will be approved).

This is starting Wealth for characters with the Poverty hindrance.
This is starting Wealth for base characters.
This is starting Wealth for characters with the Rich edge.
This is starting Wealth for characters with the Very Rich edge

The party will collectively have their own airship that will get statted out by the group in development.

This is starting Wealth for the ship.

Rank and Advances

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PCs start play as Novices.