Malakai Ruskin
Malakai Ruskin ::
Ancestry :: Duster
Ancestry Features: Outsider, Environmental Resistance (Dust), Attribute Increase (Agility), Adaptable
Agility || Smarts
|| Spirit
|| Strength
|| Vigor
|| Wealth
Derived Stats
Pace || Parry
|| Size
|| Toughness
(Armour pending)
Core Skills
Athletics || Common Knowledge
|| Notice
|| Persuasion
|| Stealth
|| Piloting/Boating
Other Skills
Fighting || Focus
|| Healing
|| Survival
- Outsider - Minor - Dusters appear human on the surface - mostly - but settled folk can sense something is off with them. Persuasion rolls are made at -2 vs non-Dusters.
- Cautious - Minor - His tendency to run up the side of buildings notwithstanding, Malakai prefers to plan than make rash decisions.
- Loyal (Black Sheep and crew) - Minor - While he's not happy using violence, Malakai will absolutely put his life on the line for the Black Sheep and its crew.
- Pacifist - Minor - Your hero absolutely despises violence. Minor pacifism means he only fights when given no other choice and never allows the killing of prisoners or other defenseless victims.
- Phobia - Minor - TBC - Whenever the Malakai is in the presence of his phobia he subtracts 1 from all his Trait rolls.
Edges and Powers
- Free Runner - Full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot, +2 to Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot chases.
- Arcane Background (Gifted) (15 pp)
- Shape Change (modified) Novice | Power Points: Special | Range: Self | Duration: 30 mins out of combat, 5 rounds if used in combat for anything other than defensive/evasive actions.
- Trappings: dust swirls up from the ground, encasing Malakai. When it subsides, he's something else.
- Shape Change (modified) Novice | Power Points: Special | Range: Self | Duration: 30 mins out of combat, 5 rounds if used in combat for anything other than defensive/evasive actions.
Special Abilities
- Environmental Resistance (Dust) - Dusters get +4 to resist the negative effects of Dust that plagues the badlands.
- Languages Known - Trade Tongue, ~Ting, ~Pidgin
- Attribute advancement (Agility)
Casual clothes and walking boots Goggles Survival knife equivalent?? Some sort of club/baton Some sort of leather duster for armour
Power Detail
- Shape Change
- Rank: Novice| Power Points: Special | Range: Self | Duration: 30 mins/5 rounds
- Description: This power allows the caster to take the form of other living creatures. He can only turn into the base form of such beings, not elite or alternative versions. With a raise, the caster can increase the creature’s Strength and Vigor by one die type each. The Size of the new form is limited by the caster’s Rank.
- A character’s held and worn items are assumed into the new form and reappear when the power ends.
- While transformed, the character retains his Edges and Hindrances, and his Smarts, Spirit, and their linked skills. He gains the creature’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills, as well as any powers common to that creature but not their Power Points, or any additional wounds or wound reduction abilities. His ability to use devices and communicate is limited to those of his form. The caster may maintain any powers cast before the shape change regardless of form.
- Modifiers
- None