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The engine of the F250 supercrew roared quietly. The truck had clearly seen better days as had the airstream flying cloud it pulled. Not decrepit, just lived in, as they mostly had.

The city was a suburb outside Washington,DC It wasn't Kansas City but then what was. He had scouted the place and it was almost perfect. No mob ties but it still had its appeal.

1974, a year out of a 4 year Vietnam tour, the three of them, in the Corp spent traveling made him ready to relax. It had been hard to recover from his time in Azcala and he doubted he ever really would. There had been a girl. But this place would do.

Pulling into the parking lot he looked over the setting. Up by the street was a stripmall of shops and businesses. Restaurants, and the like. They all shared about half of the huge parking lot that spanned space behind them. Perceiving the businesses had the room to do business but the lot went deep into unused space. Then two rail lines that were guarded by chain link fences. He pulled his truck and trailer up near the fence. He extended the back side canvas. He walked around checking tires till he was sure he had no watchers. He pulled a couple hoses from storage. Leaping over the fence and went to the tiny maintenance building.

Looking over the building it showed signs of neglect. It looked unused for a decade.. He stuck the black hose into a sewage plug. Magically adjusting the fixture. He magically cleared the water faucet and attached the garden hose to it.

Making sure the commode worked, just in case some fellow traveler tried to use it. Securing the hoses under the fence he hopped the fence and secured the hoses to his trailer.

After pumping out the black and gray water and refilling the white tank he he went inside and cast Area Clean. He pulled a large hoagie from the fridge and ate it while watching the evening news. Firmly encamped he slept for 48 hours the kind of sleep sorcerers sleep.

Waking under a mild rain he raised the canvas awning on the front side of the trailer. Stepping out he set up a couple chairs and a table. Sitting and lighting a cigarette he relaxed for a couple hours to watch the morning traffic.

Some time in the morning the trailer door opened and a large orange maincoon cat came out and took a chair besides the sorcerer. He too looks over the new neighborhood " not bad. Vek. It's full of rats. Couple Tina Cats too.

Right on cue a couple of minor hoodlums came out the back of the pizzeria, smoking cigs, and walking toward the trailer with foolishly entitled steps..

The sorcerer gets up and pulls 4 carpets from storage. He pulls three chairs and a 30oz thermos out of storage as well. He lays out two rugs. He resets his own chair and table and opens one more for the table. He sits again as the man come to him.

"It's a twenty dollar a day to camp here, scumbag. the day or by the week?"

"What do I get for that fee?"

He laughs, "Well I don't send the local kids to torch your place. None of my locals clients call the police, the rail marshals, or the landlord on you. Oh, less locals will try to stomp your cat or shoot him.. They might sic thier dogs on him." He chuckles softly.

The traveler smiles and finishes his cig, lighting another.

He points to the third chair. " 20$ a day? here are my terms. Have a seat."

The hoodlum sits, his will power like a fly in a tornado. He looks on unblinking, deep in the back of his subconscious seeing scenes of torture and dismemberment that he features in prominently.

"That 20$ a day will cover me and two other campers when they get here. As well as your conditions it will include mine. You work at the pizzeria. I like your menu. Each day I will drop by and place a breakfast order for the next day." He pushes over the thermos. "That will include the thermos. I'll pay for those. You light your oven at 9 and open at 10. I'll expect breakfast before 10am."

He flips out $300 in local cash. "Don't worry. I'll pay for breakfasts and you keep the change."

The hoodlum silently pisses himself in terror.

"Now, you will visit Harvey's Lounge when I am there. You will collect your protection money from me and leave. You may listen to me for two songs before going if you like. You and your companions will no longer hang out at Harvey's. Find someplace else. If your companions forget you will have a day of seeing the lovely scenes you are witnessing now. First hand "

"Next, you'll stop soliciting sexual favors from your clients or from customers at Harvey's. If you or your companions try you or they will experience the joy of inappropriate ejaculations, say in church, in the gym locker room, whileying poker, while talking to your superiors, or when firing pla a gun in anger."