Aspen's Spells
Powers {0 }
Sigil of the Bookkeepers Guild
. 4 Minor 2 Major:
Rasak Knife
12 Spells
Vorpal coolar
12 Spells
Amber level allows one to memorize 20 cantrips.
Anatomics | Blend | Blind | 'Catfall | Catfeet | Chain |
Chill[[[ | Clean | Color | Dampen | Dust | Enrich |
Exterminate or Zap | Extinguish | Firefinger | Float | Gather | Gun |
Heat | Haunting | Knot | Know Direction | Legerdemain | Mend |
Page Light | Purify Water | Sharpen | Shield | Slip | Speed |
Stitch | Sober | Stumble | Temperature | Tie | Turn Page |
Unseen Hand | Weathertell | Werelight (or Bluelight) |