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"Red Havoc"

Species: Red Squirrel/Reptian Chimeric Uplifted Genomorph Gender: Male Height: 3' 7 Weight: 50 lbs [70 lbs in Winter]



Combat quick sheet

Initiative: 8


  • Dodge: 12
  • Parry: 12
  • Toughness:8
  • Fortitude:8
  • Will: 12


  • Ground 0
  • Ground {Prone} 1
  • Wall-Crawling 1
  • Gliding Cape 2


  • Basic Unarmed +14, Save Toughness vs 15 Damage
  • Basic Thrown +8, Save Toughness vs 15 Damage
  • Jump powered attack +14, Save Toughness vs 21 Damage
  • Tooth and claw +14, Save Toughness vs 17 Damage
  • Technokatar-Blade, 16, Save Toughness vs 19 Damage
  • Technokatar-Tazer, 16, Save Fort vs 14 daze, stun, incapacitate
  • Technokatar-Blaster, 14, Save Toughness vs 14 Damage, short range of 30 feet, medium range of 75 feet, and long range of 150 feet

Abilities (52)

  • Strength: 0 [0 Base] (0)
  • Stamina: 2 [2 Base] (2)
  • Agility: 8 [8 Base] (16)
  • Dexterity: 8 [8 Base] (16)
  • Fighting: 10 [10 Base] (20)
  • Intellect: 5 [-4 Base 9 Power] (-8)
  • Awareness: 4 [4 Base] (8)
  • Presence: -2 [-2 Base] (-4)

Defenses (16)

  • Dodge: 12 [8 Ability 2 Ranks 2 Power] (2)
  • Parry: 12 [10 Ability 0 Ranks2 Power] (0)
  • Toughness:8 [2 Ability 6 Ranks]
  • Fortitude:8 [2 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Power] (6)
  • Will: 12 [4 Ability 8 Ranks 0 Power] (8)

Skills (14)

  • Acrobatics 12 [8 Ability 4 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (2)
  • Athletics 2 [0 Ability 2 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (1)
  • Close combat (Katar) 16 [10 Ability 2 Ranks 4 Advantage 0 Power] (1)
  • Close combat (unarmed/Any) 14 [10 Ability 2 Ranks 4 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Deception -2 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Expertise {Science} 8 [5 Ability 3 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (1.5)
  • Expertise {Literature} 6 [5 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Expertise {Eidetic Memory/Jack of all trades} 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Insight 4 [4 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Intimidation -4 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage -2 Power] (0)
  • Investigation 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Perception 5 [4 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0.5)
  • Persuasion -2 [-2 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • Ranged combat {Blaster} 14 [8 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (3)
  • Slights of hand 9 [8 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0.5)
  • Stealth 14 [8 Ability 1 Ranks 0 Advantage 4 Power] (0)
  • Technology 11 [5 Ability 6 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (3)
  • Treatment 5 [5 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)
  • vehicles 8 [8 Ability 0 Ranks 0 Advantage 0 Power] (0)

Advantages (12)

  • Agile Feint
  • Close attack 4 ranks
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Equipment
  • Inventor
  • Improvised Tools
  • Jack of all trades
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Mastery {Acrobatics}
  • Skill Mastery {Athletics}

Powers (54)

Biological powers

The subject has an array of biological abilities as follows

Animal senses (4)

The subjects retains the full senses of a Red Squirrel, but prey responses to threats seem reduced.

Sense {Vision +radius, Hearing + ultra + extend, Olfactory + Acute} Ranks 4

Biogenetic Enhanced Neurology (18)

Subject has received various neurological enhancements to improve mental ability, not stable

Enhanced trait {intellect} [sustained, permanent] Ranks 9

Enhanced Bio-maintenance (2)

Subject biology has been modified to include improved immune system responses and cell maintenance

Immunity (age, Disease) Rank 2

Fur & Scale (7)

Subject processes an epidermis covered in thick fur, hard scales and the infrequent Osteoderms, presenting a reasonable barrier to damage.

Protection Ranks 6

Feature {Fur} Ranks 1

Reptilian Blood (1)

Heptile like regenerative tissues

Regeneration rank 1

Scurrying limbs (8)

The subject possesses the movement abilities of it's original squirrel form, and ability to produce forceful jumps

Movement {Safe fall, Slithering, Wall-Crawling} Ranks 3

Speed [Prone only] Ranks 1

Squirrel Limb Array (4)

  • >Leap [Alternative effect] Rank 3
  • >Jump powered attack: Damage [Side effect when fails receive effect, Strength based] rank 3

Semi-Anthro 6

Despite attempted enhancements subject body refuses to enhance to full anthropomorphic form and scale, but muscular enhancements to strength and speed hold

Shrinking [Sustained, permanent, Normal Strength ] Rank 4

Speed Rank 2

Squirrel Language (1)

The subject retains the ability to understand and produce the body language and vocalisations of Squirrels

Comprehend {Talk to animals} [Narrow type Squirrels only] rank 2

Tooth and Claws (2)

The subjects Squirrel and Reptilian DNA have compounded to produce a long sharp teeth and claws, with the front teeth retaining their gnawing function

Damage [Strength based] Ranks 2

Technology based powers

Unique Devices described by subject

Gliding Cloak (1)

"A standard synthetic grey and red Cloak, I weaved switchable nano enforcements throughout to maintain its natural fabric like properties while allowing it to form a aerofoil when I wish to glide"

Flight [Gliding, distracting, Removable] ranks 2

TechnoKatar (4)

"Beautiful weapons Katars, and my technokatar is no exception, look at these engravings and inlays, not just a beautiful pattern but designed to structure the coherent electrons to produce a sounding sheath, that allows me to dial in the desired level of threat. With a few on the fly adjustments we can adjust the coherent electrons to produce a Taser like effect or even shoot out, though they are quick to disperse."

TechnoKatar [Easily Removable]

  • >TechnoKatar-Blade: Damage [Strength based] ranks 4
  • >TechnoKatar-Tazer:: Affliction {dazed, stunned, paralysed, Fort} [move to activate] Ranks 4
  • >TechnoKatar-Blaster: Damage [Increased to Range, diminished range, move to activate] Ranks 3


  • Multi-tool 1
  • Binoculars 1
  • Gas Mask 1
  • Genius device 3 {super smart device, 2 points gets smartphone, this has expanded capabilities more inline with full PC with peripherals and connectors}

Home Sweet home (4)=

A home and workspace, mostly a regular townhouse bought outright and invested in over time

Size Tiny

Toughness 4


  • Computer
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Living Space
  • Security System
  • Workshop


Vision: Ranged, Acute, Accurate, Radius,

Hearing: Ranged, Acute, Accurate, Radius, Extended, Ultra

Olfactory: Acute, Radius

Tactile: Radius, Radius