Coffin Rock
Crystal River Hotel
- The sign above the door has lost letters and now reads Cry a River Hotel
- An obvious large building that is a hotel. Or is that was a hotel. The paint is peeling, the boards have come loose, and all in all, it looks worse for the wear as much as the town does.
The Jewel Theatre
- A large, gaily painted wooden sign proudly identifies as the Jewel Theatre. After dark, the posse might see shadows moving behind silk-draped windows, dimly silhouetted by a lurid crimson light. The sound of music and laughter can be heard day and night.
Marshall's Office
- A large, shiny, ornamental star hangs in the window. Wanted posters paper the walls; they are all very old, and torn. Some of them have had their faces deliberately scratched out—as if someone doesn’t want the poster’s subject identified.
Coffin Rock Assay
- The busiest building in all of Coffin Rock. People coming and going while the Assay office open to exchange different precious materials for other precious materials.
General Store
- While not boarded up, it is clear this building has seen little use recently.
Six Feet Under
- The last remaining saloon that is open for business in Coffin Rock.
White Church White Church at the end of Daly Street
- Home of The Brotherhood of the New Covenant
Map of the town of Coffin Rock, CO Map of Coffin Rock