Bloodless: Cortex Prime by Night

From RPGnet
Revision as of 15:11, 9 June 2024 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs) (Resources)
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Character Table

Character Played by Bloodline XP WP DR Vitality PP
D0a.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png 1
D0a.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png 1
D0a.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png 1
D0a.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png 1
D0a.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png D0Ba.png 1
GM brahnamin 5
WP: Willpower [Supernatural Stress] || D12a.png + /Frenzy
DR: Durability [Physical Stress] || D12a.png + /Taken Out

|| D6a.png || D8a.png || D10a.png || D12a.png || D0a.png || D0Ba.png ||

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Complications and Assets

|| d6 || d8 || d10 || d12 ||




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Mods and Traits

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Character Generation

Wiki Edits

If you are waiting for moderation on your character wiki, go HERE to get put on the pre-approved list. They will need to know your handle here on the wiki to complete the request.

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Development Thread

OOC Thread

IC Thread


Orokos Online Dice Roller. It is not mandatory that you use Orokos, it is just my personal preferred roller and it handles step dice well, so I am linking it here.

Absences Thread If you can't post for whatever reason let us know here or in OOC.

Cortex Prime Handbook You do not need your own copy of the handbook to play in this game, but you can purchase it here if you want a copy.

Note: I am neither affiliated with nor receive compensation of any kind from your purchase of this product.