Tresa Bauer
Tresa Bauer
Human Farmer

- Height: 5'10" (1.8m)
- Weight: 150#
- Age: 19
- People: Himmilvolk
- Home: Altenhaßlau
- Description: This farmer's daughter stands lanky and strong, with a deep farmer's tan on her otherwise pink skin. Laughing hazel eyes look out from a cheerfully round face, which, like her shoulders, chest, and arms, is liberally sprayed with freckles. Her smile is gap-toothed and genuine. She has the long forearms and calves of a person built for hard labor, and her hands and feet are large, calloused, and strong. Her mess of tightly curled hair, bleached multiple shades of honey blonde by the sun, is lazily gathered with an old rag into a loose tail that falls to shoulder length. She wears multiply-patched overalls, a cropped v-neck t-shirt, and an old, beat-up pair of sturdy work boots. She frequently adds a wide-brimmed, fraying straw hat against the midday sun, or a sun-bleached red kerchief tied around her face if she's flying. She is laconic, unhurried, philosophical: living off the land means accepting that there are a lot of things that just happen, and there's nothing to do but find a way forward.
Character History:
- I was taught to fly by a family member, to tend the farm;
- I left my home because I was too lonely;
- I fly so I can find what was missing in my life.
- Tresa grew up on an old family farm, with stone buildings that are old enough that nobody remembers when they were built. Her family grows three-row barley and hops for sale, and keeps chickens, a milk cow, and a garden for themselves.
- Her hero is her brother, who also went out to see the world. He was always scheming up grand adventures and making up tall tales. He plans to inherit the farm, but first he wanted to see what was out there.
- She loves the freedom of flying, the vistas, the sheer joy of executing a daring maneuver. Combat is stressful, but exhilarating, and she takes advantage of her ability to keep a cool head under pressure.
- Her brother would have to change his mind about inheriting the farm for her to return, and then she'd have to find a partner. Farming is not an activity that anyone can do alone.
- A long hunting rifle;
- A high-quality toolkit;
- Her oldest and best friend, Bekah.
- A well-worn luthier-made dreadnought guitar;
- A letter from the uncle she hasn't seen since she was 6;
- A promise to return home safe.
Familiar Vices:
- Hunting;
- Daydreaming.
Pilot Type: Bumpkin
- Hard: 0
- Keen: -3
- Calm: +3
- Daring: +3
Intimacy Move: I Will Be With You, Always: When you hold those you care for close, they roll 4d10 and take the 2 highest when you Help them, ongoing as long as they Trust you. If they're an NPC, anything you do for them or help them with lets you roll 4d10 as well.
If you choose to Break Trust with one of these people, take 5 Stress.
Personal Moves:
- Naïve: You can't try any unfamiliar Vices unless a comrade with that Vice as Familiar guides you through it. Guidance does not count as Help, and you must roll their Daring instead of yours;
- Here Goes Nothing: Gain 1 Stress to use a Mastery Move you haven't taken yet from any of your unlocked Mastery Trees;
- Trust Your Instincts: You get a new Mastery move every 3 marks;
- I Can Fix It! When you engage in percussive maintenance, roll Patch Fix +Daring. Add the following possible results:
- Double your Speed gain from the next Boost;
- Ignore the next Fuel Check move pushed;
- Reset the RPM gauge to 0.
- On a miss, the engine stops and won't restart.
Other Moves
Why Didn't You Tell Me? When you discover your true heritage, you may switch to the Scion playbook. If you reject it instead, take 15XP. Start with with 1 Mastery Move and 3þ
- Jester, because it looks like one: a Recht Luftschlepper that isn't so much patched as replaced. The fabric is a crazy quilt of bed linens and old clothes, giving it an oddly festive appearance, and the general maintenance philosophy was clearly, "eh, good enough."
- Used: Fragile: Strain reduced by 20%
- Co-Pilot/Gunner: Bekah Müller is the neighbor's 18-year-old daughter. The families are old friends—true to their name, the Müllers grow and mill wheat, leading to endless jokes about the two families starting their own brewery. (There is, in fact, a local brewery that uses the Müller's wheat and the Bauer's barley and hops to make a clean, smooth lager.) Bekah has been Tresa's companion for everything from chores to pranks to hunting. At this point, they're inseparable friends. So when Tresa decided to borrow the family's old plane and see the world, Bekah was obviously going to go with her. She too is patient, unflappable, and a crack shot with a rifle. Cumulative years of waiting behind a deer blind will ensure that much. The two have worked together in so many ways for so long that they don't need words to collaborate.
- Sharpshooter Mastery
- Victories: Aircraft or balloons shot down, or probable kills.
- Passive: Each move of Sharpshooter grants +10% Hits to all aircraft weapons at all range bands. This will increase damage.
- Moves
- Metal or Meat: When you Draw a Bead, the Open Fire +Calm result can be taken for free, in addition to other results you qualify for.