Running Sheet Boxlifter
Boxlifter birth-name Riboflavin
- Knight of Wall
- Stalwart of CHAD
- Rasak Graduate
Total: 256= 118 Stats+20 Powers+30 Skills+{23(61)} Items (+20/20) allies/Enemies +3 Stuff+ 70 Storage
- 150:35 str. 30 endurance, 150 psyche to Amber, then 5
- Psyche: 5
- Strength:72
- Endurance:51
- Warfare:Amber
Rasak Added.
Powers {20}
- 20 Basic Imprint Plymouth : Boxlifter Spells
- 0 Cantrips : Boxlifter Spells
- 2 Thievish : Boxlifter Spells
Skills {30}
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
Allies 20
- 6 Ascorbic
- 6 Lop
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Enemies 20
No one dislikes Boxlifter more then 1 pip's worth. Most people who dislike him for 1 pip treat it as an amused dislike rather then actual antipathy.
"Who doesn't love the big guy? Really.. He just likes to carry stuff. What's not to like? I've never seen him have more then a few beers. Never throws a tantrum. Never starts a fight or throws the first punch. But boy can the bastard end a fight." Fortunadas Enright
- 1 Fort- And he really feels bad about this 1 pip.
- Ascorbic
Items {23(61)}
Walking Boots.-10 pips
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Damage Steel Toed
- 2 N/N Forms. Work boots, running shoes, climbing boots
Boxlifter's Pants. (61)
Boxlifter always wears the same pants.
- 2 Chaos Vitality 5 transfer
- 2 Double Speed 5 transfer
- 4 Endless Stamina 5 transfer
- 2 Combat Reflexes 5 transfer
- 4 Invulnerable
- 2 Danger Sense 5 transfer
- 4 Regen 10 transfer
- 2 N/N Forms Street clothes, work clothes. similar outfits in different colors. Usually worn looking blue jeans
- 61=Lop
Fedora-9 pips
- 4 Pip Invulnerable 5-transfer
- 1 Ability- Only he can remove it.
- 4 Limited Shapechange
- 9
Intoxication Tankard. 4
- 2 Vs guns
- 1 Ability: Tankard refills
- 1 Ability: Contents remain the perfect temperature.
- 4
Acquire in the Pente Plains: Intoxication. Boxlifter never got much use out the thing. He rarely drank more then one Tankard at a time. He often used it for coffee.
Graduate Cord
A symbolic uniform cord worn by graduates in all situations. 16" long.
The Cat Twins
- 2 Chaos Vitality
- 4 Engine Speed
- 4 Endless Stamina
- 2 Combat Reflexes
- 2 VS Guns
- 2 Speak & Sing
- 2 Danger Sense
- 4 Seek in Shadow
- 4 Regen
- 2 N/N Forms:Winged Cat, Tiny cat, big cat, Regular cat, Really Tiny Cat.
- 2 N/N Spells:
- 30x3 Horde. Once Shadow Wide in Paradox. Now just horde level.
Shadows {0}
- 5 Good Stuff