Malachi Rip
Malachi Rip is a Thief played by howareyou in Morwaythien Trails, a Labyrinth Lord PBP campaign currently running on RPGnet.
- Character Creation! Birth of a rascal!
- Condition: healthy, unimpaired
- Hit Points (1d4): 4 / 4
- Armor Class: 8
- Encumbrance: 17 1/2 lbs, unencumbered
- Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
- Light: none
- Name: Malachi Rip
- Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
- Class Level: Thief 1
- Experience (+10%): 0 / 1250
- Languages: Common
Character Abilities
- Strength: [13] melee to hit +1, damage +1, force doors +1
- Dexterity: [16] AC -2, missile to hit +2, initiative +1, XP +10%
- Constitution: [13] hp +1
- Intelligence: [14] additional languages +1, able to read/write
- Wisdom: [12] save vs magic +0
- Charisma: [8] reaction +1, retainers 3, retainer morale 6
Combat Abilities
- Armor Class: 8
- Hit Points (1d4): 4
- Dagger
- type: melee piercing
- attack: 1d20
- damage (s-m/l): 1d4/1d3
- speed factor: 2
Saving Throws
- Breath Attacks: 16
- Poison or Death: 14
- Petrify or Paralyze: 13
- Wands: 15
- Spells or Spell-like Devices: 14
Class Abilities/Traits
Thief Skills
- Pick Locks: 17%
- Find and Remove Traps: 14%
- Pick Pockets: 23%
- Move Silently: 23%
- Climb Walls: 87%
- Hide in Shadows: 13%
- Hear Noise: 1-2
Thieves' Guild
- member of the Thieves Guild in hometown
- can obtain shelter and information from guild
Weapons and Armor
- cannot wear armor heavier than leather
- cannot use shield
- can use any weapon
- must catch opponent unawares
- to hit +4
- damage x2
Additional Abilities
- Read Languages
- Level 4: A thief can read languages (any) with 80% probability.
- This ability does not include magical writings. If the roll does not succeed, the thief may not try to read that particular piece of writing until he reaches a higher level of experience.
- Thief's Den
- Level 9: When a thief attains level 9 he can establish a thief den, and 2d6 thief apprentices of 1st level will come to work with the character. These thieves will serve the character with some reliability; however, should any become arrested or killed the character will not be able to attract more followers of this type to replace them. A successful character might use these followers to start a Thieves' Guild.
- Magic Scrolls
- Level 10: A thief can read and cast magic from magic-user (and elf) scrolls with 90% accuracy. A failed roll means the spell does not function as expected, and can create a horrible effect at the Labyrinth Lord's discretion.
- Dagger
- (3 unused slots saved for Signature Spells)
- Languages, Modern 18
- Yuan-Ti
- Swimming 8
- Research 18
- grants +5% bonus to Learn Spell rolls when researching a new spell.
- only requires one-half the needed time to perform spell research or determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item.
- Scribe 17
- grants +5% bonus to any roll (eg: Learn Spell rolls) needed in order to copy or transcribe a spell into a spell book or onto a scroll.
- Spellcraft 18
- Thaumaturgy 16
- grants +5% bonus on all Learn Spell rolls.
Treasures & Cash
- Platinium: 0
- Gold: 23
- Electrum: 0
- Silver: 7
- Copper: 5
- Encumbrance: 38lbs
- Movement Rate
- Turn Movement: 120'
- Encounter Movement: 40' per round
- Running Movement: 120' per round
- Dagger
- Shortsword
- Shortbow + Quiver & Arrows
(11 1/2 lbs)
- Backpack
- Pouch (large/spell components)
- Pouch (small/coins)
- Lantern (hooded)
- Flask of Oil (lantern) x2
- Flint & Steel
- Wineskin
- Spellbook
- Scroll Case
- Papyrus x10
- Chalk x10
- Sack (large)