Malachi Rip
Malachi Rip is a Thief played by howareyou in Morwaythien Trails, a Labyrinth Lord PBP campaign currently running on RPGnet.
For as long as he could remember, Mal had been living by his wits on the streets. He never knew his parents, never felt that he needed any. He made friends easily - one needed all the allies one could get fighting for the scraps in the city gutter. When he got alittle older, he was recruited (pressed into service really) into a local gang that ran thievery, smuggling, and con rackets throughout the city. Here was where the young man picked up the skills any self-respecting thief or ruffian possessed. He continued running with the pack until they were wiped out one day in a all-out war with a rival gang. The moment came when Mal decided he would seek a livelihood that bequeathed more self-respect than that of a ruffian. Gathering together his meagre belongings, he set out for a life of adventure.
- Walking along a path. Investigating some creepy moaning.
- Condition: healthy, unimpaired
- Hit Points (1d4+1): 5 / 5
- Armor Class: 6
- Encumbrance: 40lbs
- Movement Rate
- Turn Movement: 120'
- Encounter Movement: 40' per round
- Running Movement: 120' per round
- Light: lantern
- Name: Malachi Rip
- Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
- Class Level: Thief 1
- Experience (+10%): 0 / 1250
- Languages: Common
Character Abilities
- Strength: [13] melee to hit +1, damage +1, force doors +1
- Dexterity: [16] AC -2, missile to hit +2, initiative +1, XP +10%
- Constitution: [13] hp +1
- Intelligence: [14] additional languages +1, able to read/write
- Wisdom: [12] save vs magic +0
- Charisma: [8] reaction +1, retainers 3, retainer morale 6
Combat Abilities
- Armor Class: 6
- Hit Points (1d4+1): 5
- Dagger
- type: melee
- attack: 1d20+1
- damage: 1d4+1
- Shortsword
- type: melee
- attack: 1d20+1
- damage: 1d6+1
- Shortbow
- type: missile
- attack: 1d20+2
- damage: 1d6+1
Saving Throws
- Breath Attacks: 16
- Poison or Death: 14
- Petrify or Paralyze: 13
- Wands: 15
- Spells or Spell-like Devices: 14
Class Abilities/Traits
Thief Skills
- Pick Locks: 17%
- Find and Remove Traps: 14%
- Pick Pockets: 23%
- Move Silently: 23%
- Climb Walls: 87%
- Hide in Shadows: 13%
- Hear Noise: 1-2
Thieves' Guild
- member of the Thieves Guild in hometown
- can obtain shelter and information from guild
Weapons and Armor
- cannot wear armor heavier than leather
- cannot use shield
- can use any weapon
- must catch opponent unawares
- to hit +4
- damage x2
Additional Abilities
- Read Languages
- Level 4: A thief can read languages (any) with 80% probability.
- This ability does not include magical writings. If the roll does not succeed, the thief may not try to read that particular piece of writing until he reaches a higher level of experience.
- Thief's Den
- Level 9: When a thief attains level 9 he can establish a thief den, and 2d6 thief apprentices of 1st level will come to work with the character. These thieves will serve the character with some reliability; however, should any become arrested or killed the character will not be able to attract more followers of this type to replace them. A successful character might use these followers to start a Thieves' Guild.
- Magic Scrolls
- Level 10: A thief can read and cast magic from magic-user (and elf) scrolls with 90% accuracy. A failed roll means the spell does not function as expected, and can create a horrible effect at the Labyrinth Lord's discretion.
Treasures & Cash
- Platinium: 0
- Gold: 28
- Electrum: 0
- Silver: 2
- Copper: 0
- Encumbrance: 40lbs
- Movement Rate
- Turn Movement: 120'
- Encounter Movement: 40' per round
- Running Movement: 120' per round
- Dagger (1d4)
- Shortsword (1d6)
- Shortbow + Quiver & 20 Arrows (1d6)
- Padded (AC 8)
- Backpack
- Winter Blanket
- Flint & Steel
- Lantern
- Flask of Oil x2
- Trail Rations x5
- Thieves' Tools
- Waterskin
- Sack (large) x2
- Sack (small) x2