Forgotten Freedom:Marigold

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Awakened Dire Monkey (male)

Warblade ??

Marigold was initially just a normal monkey that Lilly bought out of a strange desire that most males get at one point or another to have a pet monkey. Over the protests of a conveniently placed know-it-all, Lilly brought Marigold home and gave him the girly name.

How he was awakened isn't fully understood, but it involves Momo attempting to generate superpowers through artificial means. While technically a failure, it did manage to somehow grant him sentience as well as skill as a Warblade. This suits Lilly just fine, and he has furnished the smaller primate with armor and a sword for the express purpose of battling him.

Lilly wants to teach him to drive, possibly having to do with his desire to have a battle monkey driving the van during a heist, but so far hasn't been allowed to.