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Real Name: Princess Koriand'ru

Shatterstarfire is actually Princess Koriand'ru from the subatomic Planet Tamojoran, and is a skilled fighter. Shatterstarfire was ignorant that universes existed beyond her own, until Spider-Boy dropped out of the sky and rescued her from an enemy ambush. To save her life, Spider-Boy brought Shatterstarfire to Earth - something she never forgave him for. She has fought against not only Dr. Doomsday when the X-Patrol invaded Latkovia, but also against Brother Brood, who had almost wiped out the X-Patrol at one point. She is also extremely beautiful.

Shatterstarfire caught the eye of Beastling when the X-Patrol was formed, and Shatterstarfire was very rude to her fellow team-mates at the outset. Over time, her concern to return to Tamojoran has been clouded by her position in the X-Patrol

Powers and Abilities Koriand'ru is the possessor of the energy bolts that are her regal legacy, she also has amazing skills with a sword.

Shatterstarfire PL15

Skills: Acrobatics +12 (20) Bluff +4 (10) Climb +0 (11) Concentration +0 (2) Diplomacy +0 (6) Disguise +0 (6) Escape Artist +0 (8) Gather Information +0 (6) Handle Animal +0 (6) Intimidate +0 (6) Knowledge (Other) +8 (9) Knowledge (Tactics) +8 (9) Notice +8 (10) Profession (Gladiator) +12 (14) Profession (Model) +8 (10) Search +0 (1) Sense Motive +5 (7) Stealth +8 (16) Survival +8 (10) Swim +4 (15)

Feats Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization [Swords] (1), Attractive (3), Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus (9), Equipment (3), Improved Block (1), Power Attack, Rage (2), Improved Critical [Swords] (2), Improved Disarm (1), Improved Initiative (1), Luck (1), Takedown Attack (1), Ultimate Effort [Toughness Save] (1), Uncanny Dodge [Hearing] (1) Powers Blast 12 [Extra:(Dynamic; Dynamic Alternate Powers: Flight, Super Strength; 29pp]; Immunity 9; Super-Strength 1; Enhanced Strength 16; Protection 9; Enhanced Dexterity 10; Regeneration 19 [(Recovery Bonus: 4; Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 Ranks, Unconscious 2 Ranks, Injured 4 Ranks, Staggered 3 Ranks, Disabled 3 Ranks] [Feat:Regrowth]

Combat Attack +10 (+12 w/ Swords); Damage (Unarmed +5) (Sword +8) (Blast +12)Defense 22 Flat Footed 12 Saves Toughness +12; Fort +10, Reflex +19, Will +7

Abilities 36 + Skills 22 (80 Ranks) + Feats 31 + Powers 87 + Combat 26 + Saves 23 – Drawbacks 0 = 225pp