Firelord Real Name: Pyreus Kril
Pyreus Kril is a graduate of the Nova Corps, the military and exploratory force of the planet Xandar. During his commission, he served aboard a Xandarian ship under the command of Gabriel Lan. Gabriel and Pyreus became good friends during their tour and Pyreus was extremely upset at Gabriel's abduction by the Planet Devourer Galactus. Pyreus assumed command and proceeded to search for Gabriel. By the time Pyreus caught up to Galactus, Gabriel had already been killed (only to be resurrected as the Herald Air-Walker). Galactus only told Pyreus Gabriel's fate after Pyreus agreed to serve him. Pyreus agreed, and became "Firelord," Galactus' newest Herald. He served Galactus for a time until he became restless and asked for his freedom. Galactus agreed, on condition that he found another herald. Firelord travelled to Earth and was offered the lifeless Destroyer by Thor to give Galactus. Galactus accepted, and Firelord was freed. Since then, Firelord has been an occasional ally of Thor and the Silver Surfer as well as companion to the resurrected Air-Walker.
Firelord possesses the Power Cosmic, which manifests itself in the form of cosmic flames surrounding his body. The most common manifestation of these powers is the ability to generate and control flames via his staff. He has stated that he does not need the staff to control his flames, and has demonstrated that he can in fact generate his flames when separated from it. The staff presumably aids in his control of this power. He is capable of interstellar travel under his own power and is immune to the hazards of space. He has superhuman strength, does not require food, water, or air to survive, and is nearly invulnerable.
Firelord, PL 16
Str 30 (+10), Dex 38 (+14), Con 46 (+18), Int 16 (+3), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 12 (+2)
Skills: Concentration 4 (+12), Diplomacy 4 (+8), Intimidate 6 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+8), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 7 (+10), Notice 0 (+8), Profession (Astro-Navigation) 7 (+15), Sense Motive 0 (+8)
Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization (cosmic blasts) 2, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 6, Environmental Adaptation (zero gravity), Evasion 2, Fast Overrun, Move-By Action, Ultimate Effort (Power Checks)
Cosmic Energy Control 20 (Alternate Powers: Boost 20 [Physical Abilities, One at a Time], Healing 13 [Extra: Total], Trasform 10 [Inanimate Objects into Inanimate Objects of the same Element]) Flight 10 (10.000 MPH, Alternate Powers, Space Travel 20) Immunity 28 (Aging, Cold Effects, Disease, Fire Effects, Pressure, Radiation, Starvation, Suffocation, Vacuum) Impervious Toughness 15 Super-Senses 13 (Detect Energy [Extended 10, Free Action, Ranged, Mental Sense])
Combat: Attack +8 (+12 cosmic fire blasts), Grapple +18, Damage +10 (unarmed), Damage +20 (blast), Defense +14 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -16, Initiative +14
Saves: Toughness +18, Fortitude +18, Reflex +14, Will +12
Abilities 114 + Skills 9 (33 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 121 + Combat 32 + Saves 4 = Total 296
Firelord is an heavyweight. His Cosmic Power is extremely versatile and should be able to create any effect through the use of Power Stunts.