World of Warcraft:Tips

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Chatty's Guide to Looting and Plunder!

So you've butchered yourself a trogg, and perhaps feasted upon its innards. But LO! What's this? A fine dagger of unparalleled sharpness? One dagger, five soldiers... What to do, what to do? Well, fleshies, there are two main categories of loot of which we need to be aware. When you have a look at an item, pay attention to its binding properties: Bind on Pickup, or Bind on Equip.

Items that Bind on Equip (BOE) are quite desirable! They can be sold at a profit in the auction house, or - preferably - traded amongst each other to keep our power within the family!

What should you do when faced with a BOE item?

Simple. If you can equip it, and it's better than what you have already, roll Need. Don't be shy! Otherwise, roll Greed or Pass, depending on how you feel and how full your bags are. Remember, these items will not bind to you immediately, so if it turns out that somebody in the group needs it more than you do - and we should always be mindful of each other, oh yes! - you can always discuss that and hand it to them afterward, perhaps after exacting all manner of disquieting concessions for your magnanimity!

If you win a greed roll for an item you don't need, you can sell it, disenchant it, or send it to Xaan - the choice is yours. However, there are some items that are definitely worth keeping in the guild - occasionally, a powerful BOE Blue item will drop. These are worth a great deal of money if you don't need them, but talk things out with the guild first. It could be that somebody within the guild could make great use of your new find, and is willing to compensate you for it.

But wait, what's this BOP thing I keep hearing?

Some items are bind-on-pickup. Pay very special attention to these, as they cannot be traded to anyone once they're picked up. If an item drops that is BOP (and they tend to be held by dangerous instance bosses), everybody in the group should pass! Even if you need it, pass! Thereupon, the group will discuss what to do, and who needs that item most. Don't pick it up off the boss monster's tasty, steaming corpse until you're satisfied that anybody else who can make use of it has cleared you to do just that!

If nobody in the group needs the dropped BOP item, there are two things you can do. You can always roll greed and sell the item to a vendor if you win(remember, it can't be traded, and therefore cannot be auctioned). If there is an enchanter in the party, however, the item could be used much better. Nobody needs it, after all! Better to disenchant the item for a shard or some essence. Shards can be tricky to come by, and the guild's enchanters will thank you!

So, to reiterate:


Better than what you've got? Roll need! Don't be shy.

Do be mindful that someone in the group might make better use of it than you. Some items are of use to everyone, but of MORE use to certain someones. Warriors can use agility, for instance, but be mindful of any rogues or hunters in your party. You should still roll need if it's better than what you have - if another person wants it, they'll pipe up and ask you for it, and you can discuss amongst yourselves how to resolve the issue. Do also be mindful of the attributes you need an item to have. Strength is as useless to a mage as a bonus to arcane damage is to a rogue.


Pass, and discuss. If several of your companions desire the item, show off what you have on in its place. It may be that someone in the group has a substandard item on, and that should be kept in mind. If multiple players still want the item after discussing, you can /roll on it, and trust in fate.

It's especially important with BOP items to keep in mind your party makeup. Many, many classes can use daggers, but some - like, say, mages - will not be meleeing with them anywhere near as much as a rogue, and some. That doesn't necessarily mean rogues should get every blue dagger that drops (after all, shamans, warriors and hunters can often make good use of them as well). But it does mean that they should be allowed a bit of priority.

Preferred items by class:

Warrior: Shields and all weapons. Mail before 40, Plate afterward. You want: Strength, Stamina, DPS, some Agility, proc effects.

Rogues: Daggers, sometimes maces and swords. Leather. You want: Agility, Stamina. Strength is tertiary. DPS, proc effects.

Hunter: Bows and guns, almost all weapons (but melee weapons are more of a priority for all other classes - you only fight up close when things go badly; likewise, melee classes that can make use of bows and guns should cede them to you if they're better than what you have). Leather before 40, mail afterwards. You want: Agility, Stamina. Strength and Intellect in smaller amounts. Procs on melee weapons are not as useful as stats, as you shouldn't be meleeing much.

Shaman: Shields, some weapons. Leather before 40, Mail afterwards. You want: Statistics are dependent on build, but usually a goodly mix of all of them. Nature and Healing are handy.

Druid: Some weapons. Leather. You want: Statistics dependent on build, but you don't need to mix it up as much as shamans. Caster druids will want caster stats and possibly some strength, feral druids will want warrior stats. Weapon procs and dps are meaningless for ferals, as they won't factor into your animal-form attacks. Attribute bonuses carry over. Healing, Nature and Arcane can come in handy.

Mage: Staves, some 1-h weapons, off-hand items. Cloth. You want: Intellect, Stamina, Spirit tertiary. fire, ice and arcane and mana regen can be handy, but are of more use at higher levels than low.

Warlocks: Itemization as per mage. You want: Stamina first, THEN intellect. Spirit's just about useless, as you can Tap your health for mana. shadow and fire are handy. mana regen... meh.

Priests: Itemization as per mage. You want: Intellect/Spirit, Stamina. Shadow and Healing are handy as well.

Tips, Tricks and Quirks: Advice for the Fledgling Adventurer

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Class Advice


Druids can be very squishy, but the real plus of the class is it's versatility. There is a bear form (basically a warrior class form), cat form (rogue-like, complete with stealth), water form (very helpful for both sea travel and breathing), and a travel form that lets you go 40% faster than normal running.

Druids are natural healers and can be very useful in groupwork, as long as you keep your eye on your team members health bars.

When questing alone, make sure to keep an eye on your own health bar, and don't be afraid to heal yourself in the middle of a fight. It can make all the difference.


Hunters are probably the best class for soloing in the game. However, when you're in a group, you need to make some changes to your style of play.

The following tips will go a long way to solidifying your place in a group, and keep other playerse from yelling at you.

Marking Targets

Your Hunter's Mark is quite useful for guiding other players to a target. Use it to mark a target, so everyone can focus on the same mob and bring it down quickly. If there is a Mage in the party who can sheep, quickly discuss whether or not he thinks that target should be sheeped first instead. In some cases, Mages may be marking sheep targets with Detect Magic (a spell that causes no aggre, and creates a brief white swirl of light around a mob), so watch for those. Attacking a sheepmarked target is not a good way to make friends with the Mage, let alone the rest of the group!

Consider that a Mage's role in a group is crowd control as well as DPS, and they often have a better idea than you as how to go about their role; a good Mage isn't watching the target he's throwing spells at, he's watching for adds, or he's watching the sheep to make sure it isn't broken early, or both at the same time. If a Mage feels a target should be sheeped, it may be wise to defer to him or her and select a different target for pulling.

Pet Management

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