SGA 2004 Archive

The following SGA games took place in 2004:
Mutants on the Eastside
- Game System
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Palladium)
- Pitch
- Game Master
- Laura Mortensen
- Players
- 2
- Characters
- Ninja Tree Frog (Ed Freeman)
- Rich catoid (Carrie)
- Date
- December 20, 2004
- Technical Notes
- Recaps
Felix Delgato and Uyeda looked into the mystery of Yoshi the missing Ninja Master and also the robberies of local convienance stores.
They discovered that the culprits were four young mutants calling themselves The Terror Bears in a parody of the cartoon bears with pictures on their tummies. After a fight at the Terror Bears hide out, Felix and Uyeda captured the young bears and rescued Yoshi.
The terror bears revealed that they had escaped from some sort of lab where they were being kept by bad people. Uyeda had himself escaped from a similar situation and with food and kindness did his best to make friends with the bears. He also offered to help them get revenge against these bad humans.
- Player Thoughts
- Additional GM Thoughts
Rain of Bullets
- Game System
- Feng Shui
- Pitch
[Close-up shot of a small puddle on pavement at night, rain drops falling in, creating widening circles of ripples. Reflections of passing car lights shimmer in. Soft, ominous cello music.]
Announcer: "In a city that believes itself safe...
[Panning out a bit from the puddle. One darker blood drop falls in, soon followed by more, breaking the rhythm of the rain drops and staining the puddle.]
Announcer: "... A brutal killer stalks..."
[Shot of a couple of police cars parked haphazardly near a dock crane along a pier. Gray morning light, dark roiling cloud masses, wet shimmer of recent rain on everything. Music switched to more electronic, rhythmic theme.]
Cop #1, calling out: "Ah shit! I got a hand here! "
Cop #2, muttering in his to-go coffee cup: "Fuck, I don't get paid near enough for this..."
Cop #3, to Detective Romero: "That's most of the body, then. I think we're still missing a hand and one leg below the knee. Homeless guy, looks like."
Romero, eyes narrowed: "Uh-huh..."
Announcer: "... In his wake he brings war..."
[Shot of two very expensively dressed businessmen, smoking in the entrance of an Art Deco building. Sergei is older, with a greying mustache, and smoking a cigar; Dmitri is younger, dark hair slicked back, and smokes a cigarette; both wear shiny Rolex watches and gold cufflinks.]
Sergei, with strong Russian accent: "Are you sure about this?"
Dmitri, quietly, with much lighter accent: "Yes, sir."
Sergei throws cigar stub to the wet ground and stomps angrily on it. "Is that piska coming to kill me? Ni khuja!"
Announcer: "... Cop against criminal..."
[Shot of Romero aiming at a fleeing suspect. Music picks up a suspenseful beat.]
Romero: "Freeze, asshole!"
Annoucer: "... Have against have-nots..."
[Shot of Jaydee, a large black man, swinging a pipe length against another expensively dressed man whose shot with a Makharov PMM pistol goes wide.]
Jaydee: "You motherfucker, you gonna pay for what you did to Buzz!"
Announcer: "... Yakuza against Mafiya..."
[Shot of Takamura Kane doing an impossibly nimble sidestep as two men dressed in black suits reach for him, then dealing one of them a lightning-quick chop to the neck.]
Takamura: "Can't we be reasonable about this?"
Announcer: "... Old against young..."
[Shot of 12-year old Terry Yin deftly avoiding a backslap from aging grandfather.]
Terry: "But grampa! You can't just let them take your shop!"
Announcer: "...Brother against sister..."
[Shot of Tatjana and Sergei facing off, leveling pistols at one another. Music comes to a crashing halt.]
Sergei: "You're either with me or dead, shalava!!"
Announcer: "... and master against puppet."
[Shot from a high-rise window looking down upon the city at twilight; the skyline is recognizable as Seattle's. A large red fire is glowing near the waterfront, and the lights from emergency vehicles are flashing artound its perimeter.]
Low voice from off-camera, not clearly recognizable as male or female: "And you say you have this under control."
Female voice from off-camera: "Yes. All the loose ends will be tied."
[Return to the puddle shot. As the camera pans out, the circular ripples are expanding.]
Announcer: "... As wheels move within wheels, conspiracies within conspiracies..."
[Quick shot of Takamura wheeling around to see half a dozen thugs behind him.]
Announcer: "...This Christmas..."
[Shot of Terry pursued by a thug snatching the bell from a Salvation Army volunteer, and whipping it around to hit the thug.]
Announcer: "...Seattle is definitely sleepless."
[Shot of the Pike Place Market, with Jaydee sending a shop counter and its content of vegetables flying.]
[Pounding, X-treme music]
[Quick action shot of Terry throwing a large soda in a thug's face]
[Quick action shot of Romero running, jumping on a car, running over its hood and continuing his pursuit]
[Quick action shot of Tatjana doing a mad side-jump to avoid a hail of bullets and sliding across a wet floor as she pumps two H