Johnny Storm
Brawn 1 Agility 2 Mind 3

- Fantastic-Suit/Flame Sheath: Armor 1 (x2 Soak)
- Fly 5 (10 squares)
- Fire Blast: Special Attack 5 [Enhancement: Variable]
- Flame On! Damage Aura x5
- Fire Shield/Bonds: Force Field Range 5, x3 Dmg, (Radius 1 or 3x3 wall) 5pts
- Flame Brothers: Duplication 2
- Summon/Control Fire 3pts
Skills: Driving/Motorcycles, Athletics/Aerobatics, Pilot/Jets,
Advantages: Appeal, Celebrity
Mental Malfunction: Showoff/Hothead. Johnny Storm is the least mature member of the Fantastic Four, and it shows in some of his actions, especially his temper and need to prove himself and also his merciless teasing of Ben Grim.
100 Hits/x2 Soak