Mano a Mano:Make a Template

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Make a Template - Template Generation Example

This example shows how to generate a Template or character generation template. (See Game Design/Templates.)

"Worksheet version" of Sabretooth Penguin Template:

TEMPLATE              DIMENSIONS         Reach   0.5 (  1 )
Sabretooth Penguin    Length 0.75-1.0 m  Stride  1.0 (____)
                      Mass  40-90 kg     Agi Abs Pwr SizeCP
CP Totals:            CC     10 kg        0   0   0  (  0 )

Dim. CP (  1 )  ABILITIES            Mod ModCP SpcCP   CP
Abil.CP (  6 )  Swimming              3  ( 6 )+(___)=(  6 )
ArmorCP (____)  ____________________ ___ (___)+(___)=(____)
LimbsCP (____)  ____________________ ___ (___)+(___)=(____)
Weap.CP (  3 )  ____________________ ___ (___)+(___)=(____)

TotalCP ( 10 )  NATURAL ARMOR    Cvr Abs CvrCP AbsCP   CP
                ________________ ___ ___ (___)+(___)=(____)
                ________________ ___ ___ (___)+(___)=(____)

LIMBS     Description                           Qty    CP
Primary:   Favored Arm (a flipper)               1   (____)
Secondary: Other Arm (a flipper)                 1   (____)
Other:     Legs  (flippers)                      2   (____)

NATURAL WEAPONS         Special Agi Rch Pwr Shp Qty    CP
Claws & Beak            +1 Con   0  0.5  0  -3  Mul
                        CP ( 1 +___+___+___+ 1 + 1 )=(  3 )
_______________________ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 
                        CP (___+___+___+___+___+___)=(____)

"Player version" of Sabretooth Penguin Template:

Template: Sabretooth Penguin          Total CP: 10
Length: 0.75-1.0 m    CC   Stride Reach  Agi Abs Pwr
Mass: 40-90 kg       10 kg  1.0m  0.5m    0   0   0 

ABILITIES            Mod    NATURAL ARMOR   Cvr Abs
Swimming              3    ________________ ___ ___
____________________ ___   ________________ ___ ___
____________________ ___
____________________ ___

LIMBS     Description                           Qty
Primary   Favored Arm (a flipper)                1 
Secondary Other Arm (a flipper)                  1
Other     Legs  (flippers)                       2
NATURAL WEAPONS         Special Agi Rch Pwr Shp Qty
Claws & Beak            +1 Con   0  0.5  0  -3  Mul
_______________________ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

1. Dimensions, Abilities and Modifiers

First we need to determine the dimensions, abilities and modifiers of the Template we envision. Let's say I envision a Template of nasty monsters called "Sabretooth Penguins."

  • I see them as being around 40 kg - 90 kg so they have 0 Agility, Power and Absorption modifiers, and a Carrying Capacity of 10 kg.
  • I see the average Sabretooth Penguin as being about 1 meter tall, so I will say they normally range from 0.75 to 1.5 meters tall (listing this under "Length".)
  • An average Sabretooth Penguin has 0.5 meters reach
  • They have about 1 meters of stride, being super-fast waddling predators.
  • They have somewhat sharp teeth and claws, I'd say about -3 sharpness
  • The teeth and claws are retractable, giving them a conceal modifier of 3
  • Their flippers give them a +3 Swimming modifier

2. Character Points (CP)

The next step is to determine the Character Points (CP) of the dimensions, abilities and modifiers you selected for the new Template.

  • Our Sabretooth Penguin's 0 power is worth 0 CP.
  • 0.5 reach is worth 1 CP.
  • 1 meter stride is worth 0 CP.
  • The -3 sharpness is worth 1 CP, bringing the total to 2 CP.
  • The +1 conceal modifier is worth 1 CP, bringing the CP total to 3 CP.
  • The natural weapon bonuses applies to all of the limbs, using 1 CP to raise the total to 4 CP.
  • The Swimming ability with +3 modifier is worth 6 CP, bringing the CP total to 10.
  • The total CP of our new Sabretooth Penguin Template is 10.