Sir Bill Du'Crion
Sir Bill Du'Crion Lawful Neutral Human Male 20th level Commoner
Appearance: You know those Dragonlance novels? Yes, Bill has read them too and has modeled his appearance exactly on Sturm Brightblade.
Personality: Justice is your middle name! Literally, it's on your birth certificate. Now go annoy people until they surrender to you or walk away (which counts as retreating! Half-experience!)
Background: Bill Du'Crion, no relation despite his repeated insistence there is, is an embarrassment to the city. The elusive 20th level Commoner, Bill is one of a kind. Having had his farm repossessed during the Last War, he set out to defeat the cause of evil throughout the world despite no useful skills whatsoever to that effect. Well, he does have a couple of useful skills, he's maxed out his Intimidate and Bluff checks. Unfortunately, as above, he fails dramatically 1 out of every 20 times he cons people and they see through his ridiculous facade.
How has Bill racked up such an impressive set of levels despite the fact that he's learned absolutely nothing in twenty years of adventuring? Bill has a wonderful ability to con people into allowing him onto adventurers and he tends to gain experience by just being there when things are defeated. In other words, he's an experience leach and has managed to do quite well for himself with role-playing bonuses.
Also accompanying him is his Squire [b]Sakura (LG F Hobgoblin Samurai 2)[/b] whom doesn't speak a word of Common yet seems to think that Bill has to be some kind of great warrior she can learn from.