Real Name: Carl "Crusher" Creel
Brawn 4 Agility 4 Mind 1
Shapeshift 4 [Limitation: Creel can only take on the properties of something he touches. Some of the points in the stat pool invariably go to provide "powers" based on the new form, at a rate of 2 power points per stat point burned. For instance, absorbing adamantium might make Creel Brawn 5 Agility 1, with Armor 3, Resistance to Knockback & Cutting attacks, while absorbing water might grant Brawn 3, Agility 3, Ghost-Form: [Limitation: Liquid]. Sample absorptions will be given below Creel's writeup. He can also use this ability to copy other people's superpowers, but he cannot control them very well.
Special Attack 3 [Variable] Depends on what Creel has touched. He is also a capable combatant, using his brawling abilities to grant +1 Hit +1DM while not absorbing anything. 4pts
Immunity: Variable: Creel is immune to whatever energy form he takes-- Thus if he turns into fire, he is immune to fire. 2pts.
Healing 5 Creel can even reattach lost limbs by transforming back into human form while holding the stump to his body. 5pts
Ball & Chain: Special Attack 2/Stretching 1 [Linked power, limitation: Stealable gadget] +1Hit, +1DM, reach 3 squares. Since it absorbs the same properties as Creel, the special attack bonus of the chain stacks with his own new abilities. 3pts. (4 EC)
Disadvantages: Normal-- Creel normally has a Brawn and Agility of 1. He gets super strength or agility based on the properties of what he absorbs; Enemy: Thor.
100 Hits/ Soak varies based on form
Conversion for BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes
33 Pts (18 Stats, 17 Powers, -2 Disadvantages)
Sample Absorbtions
- Adamantium: Brawn 5 Agility 1, with Armor 3 (x8 Soak), Resistance to Knockback & Cutting attacks
- Vibrium: Brawn 4 Agility 2, Armor 2(x6 Soak), Deflect 2
- Steel/Stone: Brawn 4 Agility 1, Armor 1 (x5 Soak)
- Wood: Brawn 3 Agility 2, Armor 1 (x4 Soak)
- Water: Brawn 3 Agility 3, Ghost-Form [Limitation: Liquid, Limitation: Always On] x3 Soak
- Fire: Brawn 1 Agility 3, Ghost-Form [Limitation: Always On]; Damage Aura 4, Clinging, Glide
- Electricity: Brawn 1 Agility 3, Teleportation [Limitation: traveling through power lines], Special Attack 4 (Range 5, +3DM (x4dmg))