Sinister Saturdays

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Revision as of 08:37, 14 August 2007 by (talk) (Welcome to a small RPG group in Seattle.)
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Welcome to a small RPG group in Seattle.

Current Game = Vampire: The Dark Ages, Plague of Ash


Welcome to the Dark Ages The beauty of the Greek and Roman Empires is long gone. The ruling system has collapsed and taken with it stable government, schools, libraries, a uniform currency, and a common language. Barter now replaces money as the major purchasing system. Cities and towns have been destroyed and transportation between them is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

This era is not without government though. The Roman Catholic Church remains a strong unifying force. In addition, medieval civilization clings to feudalism as its only real form of government. The time is ripe for creatures of the night to take over civilization and rule over the mortal realm.

It truly is the age of darkness.

Cast Ben Kai Pamela

Supporting Cast

The Story So Far...