Template:BESM Bucky O'Hare

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BESM Bucky O'Hare The Web Series
Species of the Aniverse and Beyond Warrenians | Aldeberans | Corsair Canards | Berserker Baboons | Other Mammals | Toads | Other Cold-bloods | Hyoo-mans (Humans) | Bugs and Other Species | Artificial Beings
Occupational and Power Templates The Primordials | The Yozis | The Neverborn | Gaia | Autochthon | The Unconquered Sun | Luna | The Five Celestial Maidens | The Five Elemental Dragons | The Deathlords
Magic in the Aniverse Aldeberan Sorcery | Moonsilver | Jade | Starmetal | Soulsteel
Signature Characters The Crew of The Righteous Indignation: Bucky O'Hare | Blinky | Bruiser | Deadeye Duck | Jenny | Willy DuWitt

S.P.A.C.E.: Commander Dogstar | Mimi LaFleur | Crew of the Indefatigable | Crew of the Screaming Mimi | Central Command | Other Allies

Toad Empire: KOMPLEX | Toad Air Marshal | Frix and Frax | Al Negator

Other Aniversians: Tepet Arada | Mnemon | Cynis Denovah Avaku | Sesus Rafara | Peleps Deled | Sesus Nagezzer, the Slug | Tepet Ejava, the Roseblack

Other Hyoomans: Stern Whip of Industry | Fair-Spoken Rishi | Excessively Righteous Blossom | Unhesitatingly Loyal Weapon (?) | Lissome Avid Engineer

Original Characters (Web Series): Lintha Ng Hut Dukantha

Original Characters (BESM): Lord Kazour | Neshi of the Double Whips | Subarto | Dilari of the Sea Foam | Nlassa of the Lion's Mane | Laughing Boy | Shikuzi the Weaver | Judge Nehemeth

The Creators (Contributors in Aniverse Form): Vermillion | Pow!ree aka Froggiechan | Add Name | May Blossom | Chejop Kejak | Black Ice Shadow | Sad Ivory
Aniverse Science and Technology Space And Travel: Righteous Indignation | Indefatigable | Screaming Mimi | Toad Mothership | Fighters, Mecha and Small Craft | Jumpgates | Construction Guidelines

Medical: Medicine | Clones | Prosthetics

Weaponry and Armor: Melee | Ranged | Armor | Mecha Scale | Doomsday Devices | Sesus Nagezzer, the Slug | Tepet Ejava, the Roseblack

Personal Tech: Communications

Original Creations: Lord Kazour | Neshi of the Double Whips | Subarto | Dilari of the Sea Foam | Nlassa of the Lion's Mane | Laughing Boy | Shikuzi the Weaver | Judge Nehemeth
The Aniverse Aldeberan | Betelgeusia | Toad Homeworld | Warren | Earth | Rigel 5 | Station 9 | Genus | The Great Contagion | The Great Curse | The Heptagram | The House of Bells | The Immaculate Order | The Imperial City | The Imperial Mountain | The Lap | Lookshy | Malfeas, the Demon Realm | Nexus | Rakshastan | The Scarlet Empress | The Scavenger Lands | Shadowlands | The Skullstone Archipelago | Thorns | The Threshold | The Underworld | Whitewall | The Wyld Hunt | Yu-Shan, the Heavenly City
Source Materials Bucky O'Hare The Web Series | Websites | Bucky O'Hare on Wikipedia | BOH Wiki Image Gallery