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LG human male paladin level 3 rogue, level 2 paladin

Appearance: Maevac is a young man, barely past eighteen, with black hair, gray eyes and a boyish face. He's fairly tall, although a bit thin. He's dressed in an old platemail and carries a bastard sword and shield on his back. He usually looks a bit nervous. Personality: Maevac is young and idealistic, but also very inexperienced with the world. He tries his best though, and he's a very good boy. Actually, in an other world, he'd probably be a poster boy for the scouts. Although he's an paladin, his stick seems to be proportional to his ego, which is really small. He's constantly questioning his own actions, searching his soul for anything "wrong". He also very bad at handling people's expectations on him, as he feels pressured by what people are asking of him.

History: Maevac is of Thranish descent, and he spent most of his youth in Sigilstar as a street urchin. A few years ago, Maevac's life took a drastic turn when he joined the Church of the Silver Flame and became a paladin of all that's good and right. Since then Maevac has travelled Khorvaire, helping the weak and fighting injustice. It was this crusade that lead him to Caer Shadowfast, where he hopes to join the Watchmen in their struggle for peace and happiness. he's completly clueless of what the Watchmen are really about.

Roleplaying tips: Although he's a bit nervous and insecure, Maevac does his best to be the paladin everyone wants.