Earth-Brother PL 10 (150PP)
Init +3; 80ft (Run), 50ft (Tunneling); Defense 20/17 (7 Base, 3 Dex); BAB +6; +11 Melee (8S Punch), +9 Ranged; SV Dmg +7 (10 Protection), Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12 (Total 66PP)
Skills: Move Silently 2/+5, Survival 2/+5, Spot 3/+6, Search 4/+5, PS: Writer 3/+4 (Total 14PP)
Feats: Power Attack, Attack Focus (melee), All Out Attack, Move By Attack, Great Fortitude, Toughness (Total 12PP)
Elemental (Earth) Control +10 (Source: Mystical; Effect: Telekinesis; Extras: Tunneling, Protection, Create Object; Stunt: Running; Flaw: Limited [Must be in contact with the earth]) (Cost 4 / Total 40+2PP) Super Strength +4 (Source: Mystical) (Cost 4 / Total 16PP)