Petorin Droverson

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Revision as of 11:41, 8 October 2007 by (talk) (Character played by T.Grandjean for J. Heinig's ToEE game)
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Petorin Droverson: Male Human Cleric of Pelor: NG Age: 24 Height: 5'10 Weight: 240lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde

Str: 10 Dex: 10 Con: 11 Int: 14 Wis: 14 Cha: 14 Fort: 2 Ref: 0 Will 2[4] HP: 8 BAB: 0 AC: 10+3(armor)+2(shield)=15 Init: 0

Skills: 8(class)+8(Int)+4(Human) Spellcraft 4(6), Knowledge: Religion 4(6), Knowledge: Arcana 4(6), Concentration 4(4), Diplomancy 4(6) Languages: Common, Celestial, (I need to add one here...)

Feats: Extra Turning (3+2+4=9), Empower Turning (-2 to turning check=+2d6 damage)

Domains: Strength, Sun: Prayertime: Sunrise

Spells/day: 3/2+1

Currently memorized: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light/ Bless, Shield of Faith, Endure Elements

Equipment: 90gp

Morning Star: Attack +0 1d8 (x2) 8lb 8gp Silvered Dagger: Attack +0 1d4 19-20(x2) 10ft 1lb 10gp Light Crossbow: Attack +0 1d8 19-20(x2) 80ft 6lbs 35gp 20 bolts 2lbs 2gp

Studded Leather armor AC+3 Armor check -1 20lbs Large Wooden Shield AC+2 Armor check -2 10lbs

Backpack 3lbs 2gp Waterskin 4lbs 1gp Wooden holy symbol of Pelor 1gp 3gp in various coinage

Fighting weight: 47lbs w/gear: 54lbs =Med encumbrance

When Petorin was born his fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes marked him for the service of Pelor. Perhaps there was a little more northern blood in him than usual, or perhaps it was due to the northern bard that passed through the village 9 months before his birth, or perhaps it was true that he was touched by Pelor himself. In any case, he does have a knack for channeling the light of the Sun God. When he was old enough his parents sent him off to better serve his god in the great (well... not so great....) city of Verbobonc. Now that he has achieved a small grasp of his talents he has been dispatched to deal with the local trouble- something about the village of Hommlet...