User:OgresBabe/L5R Ghost Hunt

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Ghost Hunt

This takes place in the Phoenix castle (location p17) Can't remember the name right now. Sometime in the late Eight century (we're now in the 12th) a Phoenix lord abused his former dragon wife. The former dragon wife took her life, consumed by grief the mother of the wife cursed the castle and the lord that ruled it. The caste became over run with plant life and the ghost of the former dragon still haunts the palace. It was used sometime in the 11th century to hide the kidnapped Totoru I. Giving even more fuel to wanting it cleansed so it would not be used in such a way again.

The characters will include a phoenix shugenja who is a direct decedent of the castle's Lord, when it was cursed. The castle belongs to her family and her family Daimyo wants it back. So she must go with an assembled group to cleanse the castle of it's curse. The shugenja is assigned her group at her Daimyo's request.

Of course the Daimyo's first precaution was to assign a Phoenix bushi yojimbo to protect the young shugenja.