Post-Future:Star Wars:Whither Tattoine
Whither Tatooine?
Han leans panting against the rail as Chewie helps Lando onto the deck. Luke and Leia land on the skiff with flair.
Let's go! And don't forget the droids.
We're on our way.
The Sail Barge is exploding in stages in the distance. Half of the huge craft is on fire.
Word flashes across the windy wastes of Tatooine: Rebel agents have assassinated Jabba the Hutt! Leaving Jabba's operations ready to seize... In a quiet corner, the news causes a cautious smile to creep across a scarred face... antennae stand at attention... hair bristles across the bridge of a nose.
It is time. It is time, now, to make a grab for the prize.
Mos Eisley Spaceport
The Landspeeder with Luke, R2, Threepio, and Ben in it zooms across the desert. The speeder stops on a bluff overlooking the spaceport at Mos Eisley. It is a haphazard array of low, gray, concrete structures and semi-domes. A harsh gale blows across the stark canyon floor. Luke adjusts his goggles and walks to the edge of the craggy bluff where Ben is standing.
Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Ben looks over at Luke, who gives the old Jedi a determined smile.
Mos Eisley Spaceport is the key, the single point of failure. Whoever controls it, controls the criminal underworld on Tattooine. The PC's are one group of people who want to do just that.
They could be:
- Imperial agents from off-world, looking to grab Jabba's resources
- Local government agents, looking to climb the ladder of illicit power
- Agents of another Hutt
- Bold smugglers, hoping to carve out a new criminal enterprise to rival Jabba's
No force-users, though... that's important. All of them, Luke and Darth and any others there may be lurking around... they have more important things to do. Rebel agents are also unlikely to be at work here... Luke and the others would have made contact if there had been any significant presence.
Taking control of Mos Eisley is a fairly simple affair. There are three installations in Mos Eisley that form its primary infrastructure; once you have those, the rest of the city is pretty much yours. In addition, Jabba's palace, some distance from the city, is an important location.
Starport Control
A docking bay on Tatooine isn't really much more than a landing pad with a wall around it. Mos Eisley doesn't keep its docking bays all in one place, rather, they're distributed throughout the city, some near the major thoroughfares, and some in back alleys. This facilitates the kind of easy comings-and-goings that Mos Eisley is known for. Starport Control is the place where incoming pilots stake their claims to one or another of the docking bays. By controlling Starport Control, you can't really prevent people from landing or collect fees or anything, but you do get a much better idea of who they are.
Water Tanks
Mos Eisley doesn't make much of its own water. It has many little recycling plants for recovering it from wastewater, but there's always some leakage. That's why the moisture farms, out in the hinterlands, are important. They truck their water in to the distribution centers, like Anchorhead, which pipe it to the cities like Mos Eisley. Mos Eisley has a large cluster of water tanks, connected to the city's distribution system. Control these, and you can keep the population in line...except for illicit condensing units...
Spice warehouses
Fast blockade runners (like the Millennium Falcon) visit Kessel to buy spice from corrupt Imperial officials. After making the hazardous Kessel Run, they come to Tatooine to deliver the cargo. Spice requires careful handling, because any exposure to light, before it is processed, will cause it to lose its potency. Jabba has made sure that his secure warehouses are the only ones on the planet that are equipped to handle it.
Without these warehouses, the spice trade on Tatooine comes to a halt.
Jabba's Palace
Still partially a monastery, Jabba's Palace now holds the corpses of dozens of masterless slaves and captainless lieutenants who fought it out to escape the chaos of Jabba's death. What secrets might it contain? Anyone who wishes to fill Jabba's place will eventually have to take this stronghold for his own.
This "adventure" is, clearly, far from complete.