Alia:Republic of the Isles

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On 8/17/05, Peter Gould <> wrote: > Hi Doug, > > I took a look at some of your material for Alia. > > I ammume you're planning on setting the game in the Island republic since > that seems to have the most development so far.

Yes. I was planning on beginning there although further adventures would lead farther afield.

> > I was wondering a few things regarding views towards elves as well as > slavery. > > 1st elves; you mentioned they are near equals, and that some nobles are half > elves which means to me that at somewhere down the line a noble human > married a lowwer status elf. I assume this would be greatly frowned upon by > and large, however whith human living under half elf rulers I wonder if > there is a certain amount of dissagrement and contriversy about the > rightfull place of elves and half elves in the order and heirarchy of the > universe. Could these possible philosphical differences lead to political > conflictsa within the republic?

There are several factors at work:

1. The republic is a land ruled by law and the laws of succession are very clear. Legitamate offspring of a noble lord (and illegitame offspiring as well) have a clearly defined set of rights.

2. The morality of the order is not completely pervasive amongst republic culture, there is a significant minority of Golanists, Elementalists, and Spirit worshipers in the rural areas, as well as significant.

 Half elf nobles are certainly looked down upon, by some of the population.  

> > 2nd slaves: it seems there is a lot of slavery of demi humens in the human > dominated areas. Are there any humans who are also slaves or is it only demi > humans who are allowed to be slaves? Would human criminals serve as slaves, > or those captured in war? Would their childern if any also be slaves? Also > do slaves make up a large segment of the populataion as they did in the > roman empire? How much of the ecomony (agriculture etc) is based on slavery > and how much is based on free workers? > > Anyway I hope this helps you hammer out a few more details. > > Peter > > >