Exalted Sub-game Books

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olovarc Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded
Exalted: The Lunars
Exalted: The Abyssals
Exalted: The Sidereals
Exalted: The Fair Folk
Exalted: The Alchemicals

Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

This book lays out the setting, rules, and details needed to play as one of the Princes of the Earth, principally as a Dynast in the Realm. Some of the goodies, aside from the expected set of charms, expanded traits, and character creation, include Immaculate martial arts (ie, Celestial styles), some background about the Realm, and even guidelines on the typical life of a Dragon-Blooded Exalt from birth in a House to schooling and Exaltation, expectations, further education, and just about anything else one might need.

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