Mano a Mano:Character CP
Character CP
- Total CP
- A character's total CP value is the sum of the character's template CP and character CP. Total CP must not be greater than your Character Point allowance.
- Template CP
- The CP of the character's template is copied with the template, but it can also be recalculated by adding up template ability CP, template health CP, template speed CP, template agility CP, template power CP, and template natural weapon CP, template dexterity CP and template natural armor CP. (See Game Design/Templates/Template CP.)
- Missing Limbs
- If the character is missing limbs described in their original template, recalculate their template CP. If the missing limbs limit the character's movement, use the lame disability. (See Game Design/Abilities/Disabilities.)
- Character CP
- Character CP is the sum of character reach CP, character agility CP, character health CP, character power CP, and character ability CP. (See Character Creation/Build and Character Creation/Character Abilities.)