"Crush" is a character played by Ferrus Animus in Xaos's Eberron PBP game "The Path To Xoriat" on
- "Crush" (played by Ferrus Animus)
- Neutral Male personality Warforged Fighter 6/Warforged Juggernaut 2
- Substitution Levels: 1, 4 (RoE pg. 130)
- Experience: 28000/37000
- Str 18 (+4)
- Dex 12 (+1)
- Con 18 (+4)
- Int 12 (+1)
- Wis 6 (-2)
- Cha 6 (-2)
- HD: 12+3d12+4d10+32 (86 hp)
- DR: 2/adamatine
- Speed: 20 ft (run x3)
- AC 27 (+1 Dex, +1 Natural, +9 Adamantine Body, +5 Tower Shield, +1 RoP), touch 12, flat-footed 26 (+4 against traps, +5 against ranged)
- Initiative +4 (+1 Dex +3 Battle Hardened)
- Base Attack: +8/+3
- Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +1 (+3 against fear, +4 against traps)
- Slam +13 1d8+7
- Battleaxe +12/+7 1d8+4/x3
- (Secondary Attack) Slam +8 1d8+5
- (Off-Hand Attack) Adamantine Armor Spikes +8 1d6+4
- Thrown Substances +9
- Climb +15
- Craft (Armorsmithing)+13(+15)
- Jump +15
- Heal +1
Armor Check Penalty: -14
Languages: Common
- Adamantine Body
- Power Attack
- Improved Bull Rush
- Powerful Charge
Class Features
- Battle Hardened
- Body as Weapon
- Dungeon Crasher (Dungeonscape pg.10)
- Armor Spikes (1d6)
- Expert Bull Rush (+2)
- Reserved (-2)
- Charge Bonus (+1)
- Construct Perfection I
- Extended Charge (+5ft)
- Warforged Repair Kit
- ID
- Battleaxe
- Battlefist+1(ECS 268)
- Variable(+1) Spiked Light Steel Shield +1 (transformed into Tower Shield)
- +1 Armor Enchantment
- Helm of Battle (MIC 111)
- Amulet of Natural Armor +1
- Vest of Resistance+1 (MIC 147)
- Healing Belt (MIC 110)
- Sandals of Sprinting (MIC 131)
- Ring of Protection +1
- Ring of feather falling (DMG 323)
- Brute Gauntlets (MIC 83)
- Greatreach Bracers (MIC 108)
- Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (Double Price for being slotless, fashioned as a badge)(MIC 86)
- Lesser Crystal of Arrow Deflection (Shield) (MIC 25)
- Lesser Crystal of Illumination (Battlefist) (MIC 34)
- 4x Psionic tattoo (Psionic Repair Damage)
- Flint & Steel
- Pouch, belt
- Bandoleer (FRCS)
- Grappling Hook
- 100 ft Hempen Rope
- 2x Alchemist's Fire
- 2x Acid
- 1x Sunrod
- 251.5 gp in coins
- Height 6'10"
- Weight 318 lbs.
"Crush" as he calls himself is a huge bulky warforged covered in adamantine plates. He has the symbol of Cyre on both his shoulders and knees and always carries around his gear. He wears a badge with the Symbol of Cyre on his chest. He seldom talks and never about his past. During the caravans travels he never complained about anything, just walked the whole day and sat down near a campfire at night. The only things about his past you could glean from him are that he served Cyre at the end of the Last War and now is a traveling mercenary.