Constantine, John

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JOHN CONSTANTINE, HELLBLAZER, PL: 11, Identity: (Public ID), Size: Medium.

INIT: +2, DEF: 19/17; Base Speed 30/60/120;


SAVES: DMG +3, FORT +3, REF +2, WILL +3;

ABILITIES: STR 10 ( 0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 16 (+3), INT 14 (+2), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 8 (+7)

SKILLS: Bluff +20/13, Concentration +13/10, Diplomacy +17/6, Disguise +9/0, Gather Info +17/10, Hide +10/8, Innuendo* +16/5, Intimidate +15/13, Occult +15/13, Listen +13/10, Perform +11/4, Search +12/10, Sense Motive +16/13, Sleight/Hand* +10/6, Spot +16/13, Swim +4/4, Taunt +22/1.

FEATS: Assessment [1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target], Connected [Knows people who can help], Infamy [+3 Cha if infamy is a benefit, -3 if not], Heroic Surge [Extra 1/2 action 3 per day], Indomitable Will [Can re-roll failed Will after 1 round], Sidekick [Chas], Startle [Intimidate target, loses dodge bonus], Spooky Presence [Save vs 20 or suffer -2 to all actions], Unshakable Faith [+2 will saves vs. fear, can use holy items], Mystic Awareness (Super) [Sense motive (dc 10) to detect mystic.

POWERS: Sorcery [+3], Luck [+4], Super-Charisma [+7]

WEAKNESS: Addiction [cigarettes] - Will save DC 15 or fatigued, Unlucky - Unluck at GM's discretion, Antagonist [mod] - Triumverate of Hell.

COST: abilities 18, combat 27, skills 75, feats 20, powers 55, weakness -30, total 165