Liu Zhong

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-Hunted for his ability to turn rocks into plutonium -Connected with secret Buddhist underground because he’s Tibetan, not because of any connection to the Dalai Lama -Power origin: After climbing Everest, attuned to the psychic resonant frequency of the Earth. Thus, can move rocks with his mind.

Name: Liu Zhong

[28] STR 8 (-1) DEX 10 CON 18 (+4) INT 14 (+2) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 22 (+6)


[14] Bluff +9 (+15/+19), Diplomacy +9 (+15/+19), Sense Motive +15 (+18), Concentration +13 (+16), Gather Information +14 (+20)

Feats [15]:

Jack-of-all-Trades, Connected, Contacts, Skill Mastery (Sense Motive, Concentrate, Bluff, Diplomacy), Attractive, All-Out Attack, Power Attack, Accurate Attack, Challenge (Improved Feint), Inspiring 5, Well-Informed

Defense 10 (20 Shielded)

[3] Saves: Fort +4 (+15 Boosted) Tough +4 (+10 Impervious) Ref +0 Will +6

[100] Earth Control 43 (Precise, Dynamic, Indirect, Progression 2 [Up to 3 Targets]) -DP: Regeneration (Source: Earth) + Boost Fortitude Save -DP: Stun (Ranged, Accurate 5) -DP: Transform (Minerals into other Minerals) -DP: Shield + Protection (Impervious)

-AP: “Golem” (Metamorph)* -AP: Telekinesis (Minerals Only, Precise) 86*

  • Hero Points only, + Powers are Linked