The Kung Fu Schools
The Kung Fu Schools of Zhen Zhou City
Well, of course there are kung fu high schools - you couldn´t reasonably stage an anime-inspired WOTG game without them, could you? As you might have surmised from the background material thus far, Zhen Zhou City is not really a modern city the way we think about it - it is simply a different backdrop for the old Wuxia themes. Every old wuxis/kung fu movie has rivalling schools with their own secret techniques, and this is also true of Zhen Zhou City - it is, after all, a city that encompasses everything we think of as the mythic-China of Zhen Zhou.
Some time ago - long enough to be the recent backstory of the first Nihao Honey game as it started - a mysterious force struck out against the schools of ZZ City, levelling most of them in huge-ass explosions that left little but ruins or smoking craters. This happened at night, so very few people were actually hurt - but it did force the schools to consolidate, and most students drifted to one of the two big, remaining ones - The Jade Dragon School and The Scarlet Tiger School, whose ranks swelled with the influx of students. Nice and tidy - and almost as if it was planned that way.
Later on - coinciding neatly with the startup of the Nihao Honey 2: the new challengers! PbP, some of the remaining people decided that they´d much rather not swear fealty to either the Dragon or the Tiger but also that they´d also rather not bow and scrape to the power of the Big Two out of sheer necessity - and so they started up a new, third power. And thus The Black Crane School was born. The school had fewer powerful students, less influence and no God-Weapons - but still, they refused to give in.
Unsurprisingly, this is the continuing story of the student of the Black Crane!
Note: As previously mentioned, this game explicitly splits of into an alternate continuum from the Nihao Honey 1/2 games, that were fairly tightly connected. Just look upon it as a standalone sequel or something.