Mano a Mano:Make a Template
Make a Template - Template Generation Example
To demonstrate the creation of a character template, this tutorial will show how to create a human template which can be used for many RPG settings. This template can be used to create most adult human characters, including both men and women.
1. Dimensions - A quick internet search suggests that average humans are around 75 kg and 1.7 meters tall.
2. Variability - Most humans are within 20% of average height but many are more than 10% taller or shorter, so humans have medium variability. Medium variability is worth 300 CP.
3. Toughness, Power, Speed and Agility - Humans have 1 speed, 3 power, 5 toughness and 3 agility. 5 toughness is worth 500 CP, 3 power is worth 600 CP, and 1 speed and 3 agility are both worth 0 CP.
4. Abilities - Humans have no special abilities or disabilities.
5. Natural Weapons - Humans have a dominant hand (usually the right hand, but sometimes the left) with a manual dexterity modifier of 0, another hand with less manual dexterity (-1), and a head and two legs which are not suitable for wielding weapons (-4 manual dexterity). These natural weapons have a reach of about 1 meter which includes twisting and bending the torso when attacking. All of these natural weapons are blunt.
The template has more than 1 natural weapon, so it's quantity CP is 200 plus 50 times the number of natural weapons (5), which adds up to 450 CP.
The longest natural weapon has a reach of 1 m which is worth 200 CP. The second longest natural weapon also has a reach of 1 m, which is worth 100 CP. The total reach CP is 300.
All of the natural weapons are blunt which is worth 0 CP.
The right hand has the best manual dexterity (0) and the left hand has the second-best manual dexterity (-1) so the template's dexterity CP is 200 times 0 plus 100 times -1, which adds up to -100 CP.
6. Natural Armor - Humans have no natural armor.
7. Character Points (CP) - The template CP is the sum of the variability CP (300), toughness CP (500), power CP (600), speed CP (0), agility CP (0), ability CP (0), natural weapon quantity CP (450), reach CP (300), sharpness CP (0), dexterity CP (-100) and natural armor CP (0). The total CP value of our new human template is 2050 CP (300 + 500 + 600 + 450 + 300 - 100 = 2050.)
human, 75 kg, 1.7 m height, medium variability, 155 CP
1 speed, 0 agility, 3 strength, 5 toughness, 5 running
2 hands (hand)
2 feet