Green Lantern
Green Lantern [[Image:]]] Real Name: Harold (Hal) Jordan
Brawn 3 Agility 3 Mind 3
Powers: Powers
- Armor x1 ([Power Enhancement: Variable Power; Can trade points from Conjuration] 2pt)
- Clairvoyance (Past and Present [Limitation: Only when perso9nally witnessed] 1pt)
- Conjuration x4 ([Limitation: Everything is made of green energy] 3pt)
- Diehard (1pt)
- Flight x6 (6pt)
- Ghost Form (Only Affects Your [Limitation: Body is unconscious while in Ghost Form] 3pt)
- Healing (1pt)
- Hits 130 while wearing the ring (1pt)
- Immunity x2 (poison gas, radiation, 2pt)
- Martial Arts Mastery x2 (2pt)
- Omni-Lindquist (2pt)
- Power Battery (Immunity: energy, Invisibility: Only Affects You, Only When Standing Still, [Limitation: Stealable Gadget,[Hits 180] 1pt)
- Power Ring (Mind 2 [Limitation: Stealable Gadget, Hits 180] 1pt)
- Sense Life ([Limitation: Only for other Green Lanterns] 1pt)
Skills: Science (M), Piloting/Operating Planes (M), Military/Command (M)
Advantages: Contact (John Stewart, JLI), Fearless
Disadvantages: Contact (John Stewart, JLI), Fearless
Weakness: Negating Weakness: The Power Ring is completely useless against the color yellow, Negating Weakness: The Power Ring must be recharged once every 24 hours with the lantern-shaped Power Battery.
100 Hits