The Valley of Darkness:Main Page
An Overview of the Valley: This is a very large valley set in a moderate, temperate region. The Western edge of the valley is set against a large bay, the three other borders are defined by Rugged Mountains that had no less than 2 passes each, allowing for robust trade with the nations and regions beyond the valley prior to the 'Darkening.'
Set against the bay there are 3 fairly large cities, Pillinqual is the largest of these, as well as the largest city of the valley. Pillinqual is built into the cliffs that border the sea for most of the western coast. The two rivers that flow into the sea are on the northern and southern sides of the plateau upon which Pillinqual sets. I had the adventure begin here in Pillinqual. There is a rivalry between these 3 cities, each claiming to have rightful claim to rulership over the valley. In Pillinqual, they refer to their leader as the Emperor. The emperor is ruler over the largest region of any of the cities, including several other townships, giving him the largest population to pull from for armed forces, and other resources.
In spite of the prominent rivalry, there is still a vibrant trade system between the cities, and each of them sends royal contengents to compete in gladiatorial tournaments regularly. Each city hosts no less than 2 major gladiatorial tournaments per year. The true reason for hosting these gladiatorial events, is to give cause for travel between cities for rich merchants, dignitaries and persons of power who are interested in the rampant slave trade market in each city. Approximately 75% of the population of each of these cities consists of slaves.
The slave trade is a very vibrant form of income for the valley as a whole. Nearly all communities, no matter the race, have been victimized by slavers, or used the slave market to help them carve a nich for themselves. There are slaving groups that act very similarly to the way the Privatiers of the 1500's did. They are licensed to operate by one of the rival ruling parties, but considered outlaws and thieves by the other ruling party. The slave market is not exclusive to any race, creed, or socio/political stature, they are all possible slaves; though it is dominated by the minority races (Orc, Dwarf, Elf, etc...). All of the slaves have a magical mark on them that is recognizable by anyone who does not have that mark.
Deeper into the valley, which is 300+/- miles East to West and 200+/- miles North to South, there are numerous communities, a few of which rival Pillinqual in size and diversity. Traveling to and from these communities can be by either river or road. Most of the communities deeper into the valley have little or no slavery, they are the communities most commonly victimized by the slavers, and have developed a dislike for it.
The western end of the valley is difficult to travel through without the roads or rivers for it is rife with plateaus and deep river canyons. There are many bridges and switchback trails that lead into and out of Pillinqual, and the other two cities on the coast, but each of these cities have direct access to each other by sea, and to the valley by the rivers. Skald and Ermach have easier access to the eastern portions of the valley by land because they are ouside the area with all the canyons.