Warmarshal Adricus Primus
(I have stolen this formatting wholesale from John_C's character in this game and will be converting the sheet to my own purposes over time)
Warmarshal Adricus: Character in the Eberron: Lord of Blades campaign.
- Warmarshal Adricus Primus
- Neutral Good Warforged Bard 15
- Experience:
Ability | Score | Modifier |
Strength | 18 | +4 |
Dexterity | 16 | +3 |
Constitution | 18 | +4 |
Intelligence | 12 | +1 |
Wisdom | 10 | +0 |
Charisma | 22 | +6 |
- Action Points: 15 (3d6, choose best)
- Hit Points: 130
- Initiative: +3
- Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
- AC: 32 (+3 Dex +10 armour +2 natural +5 shield +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 29
- Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +11/+15
- Longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+7, 19-20/x2) and Slam +10 (1d4+2)
- Shortbow +15/+10/+5 increment 70' (1d6+5 plus 1d6 electricity, 20/x3)
Saving Throws
- Fort +13 (5 base +4 Con +4 resistance)
- Ref +16 (9 base +3 Dex +4 resistance)
- Will +13 (9 base +0 Wis +4 resistance)
Bluff +27 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence)
Concentration +20 (16 ranks +4 Con)
Craft (armoursmithing) +21 (18 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)
Diplomacy +31 (18 ranks +6 Cha +4 synergy +3 competence)
Perform (oratory) +27 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence)
Sense Motive +18 (18 ranks +0 Wis)
Spellcraft +19 (18 ranks +1 Int)
Languages: Common
1 Mithral Body
3 Item Familiar (composite plating)
6 Song of the Heart
9 Action Surge
12 Improved Toughness
15 Heroic Spirit
Class Features
- To come.
Spells: 4/6/5/5/4/3 per day, save DC 16+level, CL 15th Spells Known: 6/4/4/4/4/3 5th - Greater Dispel Magic, Shadow Walk, Mass Cure Light Wounds 4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Legend Lore, TBC, TBC 3rd - Glibness, Haste, See Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere 2nd - Elation (BoED), Pyrotechnics, Tongues, TBC 1st - Feather Fall, Grease, Alarm, TBC Cantrips - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Message, Light, Know Direction
Item Familiar
To come.
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36000)
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)
Amulet of Health +4 and Natural Armour +2 (24000)
Cloak of Charisma +6 and Resistance +4 (52000)
Circlet of Persuasion (4500)
+5 enhancement bonus to Mithral Body (9375)
+1 Mighty (+4) Composite Shortbow (2675)
+4 Mithral Buckler (17015)
Wand of Repair Light Damage (750)
Wand of Repair Moderate Damage (4500)
+3 Longsword (18315)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (3000)
Ring of Protection +2 (8000)
- Age:
- Height: 6'10"
- Weight: xxx lbs.
To come.
To come.