Ruby Esterbrook

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Ruby, CG Female Human Ranger 15

Abilities Str 14 (6 points) Dex 14 (6 points) +3 level +6 Gloves of Dexterity = 23 Con 12 (4 points) +4 Amulet of Health = 16 Int 14 (6 points) Wis 14 (6 points) Cha 8

Combat AC: 10 + 6 Dex mod + 8 armor = 24 BAB: +15 Grapple check: +19 Ranged attack bonus: +27/+22/+17 Initiative: +6 Dex +4 Improved Initiative = +10 HP: 10 + 14d10 (79) + 45 (134 hp) Speed: 30ft. Fort: +9 +3 Con mod +5 Cloak of Protection = +17 Ref: +9 +6 Dex mod +5 Cloak of Protection = +20 Will: +5 +2 Wis mod +5 Cloak of Protection = +12


Ranger 1: Track Ranger 2: Rapid Shot Ranger 3: Endurance Ranger 6: Manyshot Ranger 11: Improved Precise Shot Human 1: Improved Initiative Level 1: Point Blank Shot Level 3: Precise Shot Level 6: Improved Initiative Level 9: Weapon Focus (longbow) Level 12: Improved Critical (longbow) Level 15: Far Shot

Skills (6 + 2 + 1) x 18 = 162 skill points

Balance 5 ranks +6 Dex mod Hide 18 ranks +6 Dex mod Listen 18 ranks +6 Dex mod Move Silently 18 ranks +6 Dex mod Spot 18 ranks +2 Wis mod Survival 18 ranks +2 Wis mod

(62 skill points remaining)

Class Abilities

Favored Enemy (aberrations) +6 Favored Enemy (constructs) +4 Favored Enemy (outsiders) +2 Favored Enemy (humanoids - orcs) +2 Animal Companion Spells Woodland Stride Swift Tracker Evasion Camouflage

Spells Type: Divine Caster Level: 7 Save DC: 12 + spell level

Level 1 (3/day) (TBA) Level 2 (2/day) (TBA) Level 3 (1/day) (TBA) Level 4 (1/day) (TBA)

Gear Amulet of Health +4 (16000) Celestial Battle Armor (22450) Cloak of Protection +5 (25000) Gloves of Dexterity +6 (36000) 2 wands of cure light wounds (1500) Greater Bracers of Archery (25000) +2 holy serren wood oathbow (53600)

179550 gp spent