Midnight RPG - Chapter 43.185

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This scene is presumed to have taken place several hours after the meeting with Khalim's family. Durgaz will approach Walden at some point when he is alone, and speak to him in confidence.

Durgaz: "I am glad that you have decided to take this man's family to First-Hold. There are good people there, brave and strong, and your wisdom may be of use to them. Take this." Durgaz pulls an arrow from his quiver, snaps off the arrowhead and presses it into the old man's hand. "It traveled to and from First-Hold on my back, and it knows the way. I know that it will speak to you, as other things often do to me. You should have no problem finding the place."

Durgaz presses another object into Walden's hand. It is a mummified orc finger, one of three that had adorned his trophy necklace. "Take this, too. It will tell you what you are to do with it."

The Finger

If Walden uses his Seer Sight on the severed finger, he can see thet Durgaz held it in his hand about an hour ago and spoke to it, while out in the woods by himself. He says the following, in a lowered voice:

Durgaz: "Be warned: The men and orcs of First-Hold have traitors in their midst. I do not think they pose any immediate danger, but I do not know their motives and they are not to be trusted. The council members have fallen under their sway, and others may have as well. I do not expect you to do anything about this, just to be aware, and watch out for yourself and those who travel with you. We will determine what needs to be done and do it, once we have dealt with the problem in the North."

"When you reach First-Hold, take this finger to the Dulugolauk, and show it to them as proof that I have sent you. Find the orc named Chogon. Tell him that on the day of Basan, two hours past the shadow hour, I will be watching him. He must find a secluded location where he will not be overheard, and speak aloud of what is happening in First-Hold, and I will hear him. If you have anything you must tell me, I will turn my eye on you at the same time, on the day of Bimba. If I have anything I must tell you, I will do it two hours past the shadow on the day of Nim-A, and if you are watching me, you will hear it."

"Go. Be safe."