Other kingdoms

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Geography and Other Kingdoms

The closest barbarian tribes are kept in check from the relatively defenseless cities by their deeply held religioius beliefs -- that the sorcerers of the Mirrored City can steal their souls should their reflection fall within their power. They obey and serve out of superstitious fear that the sorcerers will come for their souls, leaving them one of the living undead. None will go to the Mirrored City willingly if unblinded, and those taken there as servants are mourned as though dead -- even if they later return, they are regarded as unquiet ghosts, and driven away.

Although the tribes do not fear sorcery from the Crystal City, they avoid it too -- for it is thought that the inhabitants are the sorcerer's souls exiled from its sister-city, sent away as the price of the sorcerers' powers. This is well-known to be true, for it is said that mirrors are forbidden in the Crystal City because its inhabitants fear being captured by sorcerers once more.

--by Kakita Kojiro

The Thousand Flowing Waters

The Ruins of the First Age are scattered throughout the world, however the Largest, most dangerous and best preserved Lies in the region known as the Thousand Flowing waters, a Marshland bordering the Ocean that stretches for miles, and littered with islands and estuaries. It is claimed to be where a thousand streams and rivers empty into. The Region is heavily grown over, inhabited by large aquatic predators, littered with ruins ranging from piles of sinking stone to well preserved towers, and inhabited by more ghost, shadows, and other things than any other place in the known world. It is also a place where shallow pools lead directly to the Mirror lands, and where time acts differently. Stories are told of brave or foolish youth looting the dead cities, and coming back to find everyone who remembered them being dead and gone, and there town unrecognizable. Others claim that the ruins are from the future, not the past. In all the tales, one detail is consistant, and that is that the Twin Sisters originated there, and that things are buried which can make a man wiser than his fellows, or a gibbering fool. The Major rivers are clear for travel, but going further than a few miles into the Tangled Jungle can lead to trouble. The region periodically floods, and many places are covered by the tide, or sink beneath the muck. Some however rise up and fall according to strange magics or half remembered commands from the long dead inhabitants. This Region is far to the East from the Civilized Cities, but the Twin cities do send teams of researchers and explorers to salvage what lore can be found. These are usually well armed, well supplied, and very specific in where they go. Those citizens with wanderlust or a thirst for adventure are drawn to these expeditions, and though dangerous, it a respected and rewarding field.

--by stephen_dean

The Four Cities are dotted like constellations along the intertwining trade routes that provide the raw materials, and are located on high points along the curving paths of great serpantine rivers that snake over a large plain. The Plains are dotted with canyons and cliffs, gradually becoming drier until the Western edges dry into sandy waste and inhabited by nomads and less definable entities. To the East lies the vast sea, clustered in the Marshes and Jungles by the Coast, and edged by mountains that catch the rainclounds, with large passes carved by rivers and edged with ruins. The rivers from the central highlands serve as flowing highways, and the Mountains where the herdsman and small villages of farmers each out an existance in the valleys and glens of the slopes of the towering mountains send forth there goods South. The southern plains stretch to meet the sea, and from this direction, tribute, spices, slaves and raw materials flow, as manufactured goods, cloth, and wonders of the craftsman of the cities are peddled south, and tribute North. The great carvavans, barges and cities to the south allow for large fortunes to gather, and decadence to thrive.

-by stephen_dean


A region of similiar culture rather than one exact area, the vast languid river deltas that flow south split into two large rivers that empty into the same large plain to the south. This area is dotted with city-states as diverse as the various tribes and migrant who have met in the fields as combatants, traders or refugees. The History of this region predates all the other known areas, and is cosidered to be the point where the other empires of the past have originated. The largest and Oldest city-states in the region have based there wealth on three pillars. The bountiful resources of the sea, both from above and below, as well as the trade cogs that lined the ports and rivers of the region, and the vast plantations that circle the cities of spices, food stuffs and drugs. Backariko is blessed with a climate that is warm and rare rainy periods, followed by droughts, but most resident gain substinance from the Three great rivers, and smaller tribularies that flow through there from the North and East. The Marshes that once choked the Estuaries have been drained, converted to gardens and irrigation, or left as hunting preserves for the god-kings. The cities are made from stone, mud brick and reed, with some houses of the wealthy using wood, bamboo or other more exotic constructions from the North. Great Walls, Temples and Statues dominate and dwarf the landscape that stretches flat in all directions, and largest hills are man made. Each City state swears alligence to a complicated and ever shifting series of alliances, and periodically wars break out to sort out which City will rule as the seat of power. The God-Kings who rule have made dark pacts or given bits of themselves over to other entities to rule for decades, and some whisper for several hundred years as some dark shadows behind the thrones. The secret of this longevity is guarded with-in the highest circles, and is known only to a few of the City-States. It is here of all the world that Astronomy has developed the greatest, and at night large stretches of the city go dark to prevent any light from taking away from the Twin Moons above, and the march of the stars. The importation of advanced lenses, and other equipment is made for the exchange of captured prisoners from the periodic wars, spices and rare clothes, herbs and other ingrediates needed by the Four Cities to the North, as well as by the client states that serve as a buffer between Bachariko and the Two Sisters to the North. Recently the God-King of the lagest city-state has marshaled his legions, mercenaries and occult allies, consulted his astrologers, and is consolidating his control of the center of the region, in a big to build a lasting empire out of the chaotic region. If he succeeds, then the Twin Cities will face a unified threat. However, the region is experiencing a drought, and crop yields are falling, and some are calling for the blood sacrifices from the God-Kings to feed the Moons, so that the blessed rains will fall. In the Past, in times of stress, the God-Kings sacrificed themselves. This tradition has fallen to the way side, but the people rememeber, and their Gods grow hungry.

-by stephen_dean

The Western Mountains and the Deserts of the West

The Huge birds, such as the Thunderbirds, are the scavengers of the Western Deserts and grasslands, and use the gust from the mountains to range over the vast undalating plains in search of the many beast that wander its relativly untouched expanses. The varied terrain is home to vast herds of gigantic Bison, the Forest along the Mountains to stranger beast still. However the numbers are thin near the cities, and grow the further afield one goes. The Mountains to the West are the largest in the Known world, and the other side is an area explored at the peril of the unwary, do to the vast spaces inhabited by huge creatures of myth and legend, some claim to be larger than the armored beast that wander the waste. The reason for the lack of habitation is due to the low population following the devastating fall of the previous empires in the past, and the frequent wars between the city-states. The attachemnt of many people to there principle city-state or ideal, or the threat of strange conditions has led many to stay in the civilized regions, rather than risk expanding to the terrain of the tribes of head-hunters and beast riders beyond the Mountains. It is through the collective resources of the Cities that the walls, pits, and special huntsman keep the lands and tradeways safe. However, recent droughts and a change in climate are causing some stange beast and raider to prey at the edges of the Twin Cities, and the many smaller city-states. For now, these have not been sigifigent, however, rumors are spreading of tribes beyond the mountains who ride great beast, and are forming an Empire of the wandering bands to pillage the glittering wealth of the settled peoples. These are rumors however, and cartomancers are exploring to add to the Crystal Globe, to see if these shadows of truth are to be trusted.

-by stephen_dean